欧阳老师 发表于 2018-6-13 11:10:49

A Dream Deferred A Red, Red Rose Martine Luther King Jr.

资源所属专业类别:英语资源名称:A Dream DeferredA Red, Red RoseMartine Luther King Jr.资源说明:本文来源于 Poetry Reading资源关键字: dream , he , love资源作者:Langston Hughes    Robert Burns   Gwendolyn Brooks资源类型:文本类素材资源语言:英文 A Dream Deferred by Langston HughesWhathappens to a dream deferred? Does it dry uplikea raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore--And then run?    Does it stink like rotten meat?Orcrust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load. Or does it explode? A Red ,RedRose byRobertBurnsMy loveis like a red, red roseThat'snewly sprung in June:My loveis like the melodyThat'ssweetly played in tune. Asfair air thou, my bonnie lass,Sodeep in love am I:AndI will love thee still, my dear,Tilla' the seas gang dry. Tilla' the seas gang dry, my dear,Andthe rocks melt wi' the sun:AndI will love thee still , my dear,Whilethe sands o' life shall run. Andfare thee weel, my only love,Andfare thee weel a while;AndI will come again, my love,Thou’itwere ten thousand mile! Martin Luther King Jr. by Gwendolyn Brooks Aman went forth with gifts He was a prose poem.He was a tragic grace.He was a warm music.          He tried to heal the vivid volcanoes.His ashes arereadingthe world.       His Dream still wishes to anoint               the barricades of faith and ofcontrol.             His word still burns the centerof the sun,      above the thousands and the hundred thousands.          The word was justice. It was spoken. Soit shall be spoken.So it shall be done. 资源评价:诗歌是英语文学的重要组成部分。英语学习者应该学习一定的诗歌,以提高对英语的理解和感知能力。上面的三首经典英文诗歌有谈梦想的,有谈对领导者的崇敬的,还有谈爱情的,我之所以把它们放在一起,是因为它们有一个显著的共同点:都使用了比喻的修辞手法。比喻这一修辞手法在诗歌中非常重要,因为它会让读者去努力挖掘隐藏在字面下的意思。A Dream Deferred 这首诗歌中作者提出了很多个问题,但是作者并不是为了要找到答案,而仅仅是为了取得生动的效果,并且在每一个问句中, ‘dream’ 都被比喻成某种事物。 A Red, Red Rose不仅使用了明喻,而且还有夸张的修辞在里面,读者可以看出作者的爱之深。Martine Luther King Jr.这首诗歌和前面不一样,作者使用的是暗喻的修辞手法。通过种种比喻,作者创造了一个特殊的马丁. 路德. 金的形象,而且还刻画出了这位黑人领袖的精神品德。总而言之,这三首诗歌在诗歌修辞手法的运用上,很具有代表性,是不朽的经典。
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