homework 发表于 2019-9-26 10:02:58

西南大学19秋[0481] 大学英语B在线作业

0481 大学英语B
1.[单选题]16. Without water from the Nile River, Egypt ______ a farming country and become a desert.
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    A.D. would cease being
    B.A. will cease to be
    C.C. will cease being
    D.B. would cease to be
2.[单选题]35. Casey: Hello?
Fred: Hi, Stacey?
Casey: This is Casey. __________
Casey: Stacey, a guy.
Stacey: Hello? This is Stacey speaking.
Fred: This is Fred.
    A.A. You got the wrong person.
    B.C. Who is this speaking?
    C.B. I am not she.
    D.D. She is in the kitchen. Just a minute, please.
3.[单选题]31. Jason: So, Annie, what do you do?
   Annie: __________
    A.C. I am an actor.
    B.D. How do you do?
    C.A. I am cooking some fruit pie for the buffet.
    D.B. I am free now. What can I do for you?
4.[单选题]7. General Manager: I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.
Johnny: Okay. __________
General Manager: Next topic is about…
    A.C. Let’s get to the point.
    B.A. My pleasure.
    C.D. Cheers!
    D.B. I’m glad to hear that.
23. Can you ______ an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?
    A.A. imagine
    B.D. expect
    C.C. think
    D.B. suppose
6.[单选题]37. Tom: Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
Jim: __________
    A.A. I don’t .
    B.D. I haven’t.
    C.B. I won’t.
    D.C. I can’t.
10. John: Mary ,this is Joe’s brother David.
Mary: I’m very glad to meet you.
David: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Mary: __________
David: It’s really different from what I expected.
John: Don’t worry . You’ll get used to it in no time.
    A.C. How are you doing so far?
    B.D. Would you like some tea?
    C.A. How is Joe?
    D.B. How do you like Florida so far?
24. Fingerprints form an unchangeable mark ______ despite changes in the individual’s appearance or age.
    A.B. sign    微信761296021

    B.D. signature
    C.A. mark
    D.C. remark
62. Each boy and girl ____given a gift on Christmas Day.

    A.D.A. is
    B.B. are
    C.D. was
    D.C. were
10.[单选题]26. His failure to pay his debts ______ their opinion that he was not to be trusted.
    A.C. convinced
    B.B. checked
    C.D. tested
    D.A. confirmed
11.[单选题]34. Paul: __________
Jason: Phew! These bags are so heavy that I cannot go on one more step.
Paul: Just put them down. Let me open the door.
    A.D. Okay, see you tomorrow.
    B.C. Here we are!
    C.A. Here you are!
    D.B. Here it is!
3. Larry: Why not stay here a little longer?
Mary: I’d love to, but I really have to go. Thank you for inviting me.
Larry: __________
    A.C. Pleased to meet you.
    B.A. Well, hope to see you again.
    C.D. It is easy to get to your place.
    D.B. On top of the world, thanks.
18. There is little, ______, farming in that area and all you can see is miles of wild countryside.
    A.A. if so
    B.C. if no
    C.D. if any
    D.B. if such
64. Jim is the only one of the staff members who ____to be promoted.

    A.B.D. has been
    B.C. is
    C.A. are
    D.B. have been
63. Nobody but Jack and Jane ____ made great progress in the class recently.

    A.D. has been
    B.C. had
    C.A. have
    D.B. has
25. I think their plan will work, but they themselves are very ______ about it.
    A.C. confident
    B.D. doubtful
    C.B. suspicious
    D.A. certain
17.[单选题]2. Tommy: How is everything with you?
John: __________
    A.D. Can’t complain.
    B.B. They are much better than before.
    C.C. Yeah, it’s beautiful.
    D.A. And you?
6. Jamie: I am taking my final examination tomorrow.
Lily: Oh, really? __________
Jamie: Thank you for your good wish!
    A.C. You made it.
    B.A. Congratulations!
    C.B. Good luck!
    D.D. May I help you?
19.[单选题]66. Not only he but also I ____to work hard and pass the exam.

    A.D. wanting
    B.A. want
    C.C. wanted
    D.B. wants
20.[单选题]32. Interviewer: __________
   Interviewee: Not at all. Go ahead please.
    A.D. Why do you choose our company?
    B.B. Would you mind if I ask you several questions?
    C.C. How did you get to know our company?
    D.A. What’s your major in university?
8. Doctor: __________
Patient: I am a teacher for a training center.
Doctor: Do you often get tired?
Patient: Yes, sort of.
    A.A. Where do you work?
    B.C. What is your job?
    C.B. How do you feel now?
    D.D. What is your address?
22.[单选题]38. Sandy: It’s lovely today. Shall we go and play football?
Bob: __________ When shall we meet?
    A.A. B. It’s very kind of you.
    B.D. That’s a good idea.
    C.A. Yes, we shall.
    D.C. You are all right.
76. Statistics ____ that most of the published and quoted scientific articles are related to medical science.

    A.F.B. is shown
    B.D. shows
    C.C. show
    D.A. has shown
20. The singer on the stage has a young ______ face and a voice of an_____.
    A.D. boy’s...angel’s
    B.B. boy’s...angel
    C.A. boy...angel
    D.C. boy...angel’s
25.[单选题]33. Lisa: __________
   Ben: I have been working as an accountant for years.
    A.D. Can you tell me where you are from?
    B.A. What’s your occupation?
    C.C. What about working for our company?
    D.B. What’s your work?
26.[单选题]70. Many a writer of newspaper articles ____ to writing novels.

    A.A. has turned
    B.D. are going to turn
    C.C. being turned
    D.B. have turned
71. Either the teachers or the president ____ the meeting.

    A.C. are attending
    B.A. attends
    C.D. have attended
    D.B. attend
28.[单选题]40. Salesgirl: Good morning! What can I do for you?
Customer: Yes, please. __________ Can you suggest some light and cool material?
Salesgirl: What about that white cotton T-shirt?
    A.A. How much do you sell a T-shirt?
    B.B. Have you any smaller size?
    C.C. I’m afraid this T-shirt is too big for me.
    D.D. I’d like to buy some T-shirt.
27. Our government strongly holds the principle we will ______ be the first to use nuclear weapons.
    A.C. by no means
    B.B. by all means
    C.D. by every means
    D.A. by any means
69. A horse and carriage ____ not much used nowadays.

    A.B. are
    B.A. is
    C.C. were
    D.D. is to be
31.[单选题]73. None of your projects ____.

    A.D. are worked out
    B.B. work out
    C.C. is worked out
    D.A. working out
5. Janet: Can we talk for a second?
Amy: __________
Janet: Well, sort of. Yes.
    A.B. Where shall we meet?
    B.A. Sorry, I am busy at the moment.
    C.C. Sure, is there anything wrong?
    D.D. What can I do for you?
33.[单选题]4. Larry: I hate the nasty weather in this season of the year.
Amy: No wonder you look so depressed.
Larry: Yeah, __________
    A.E.A. I can"t agree more.
    B.C. Thanks for saying that.
    C.B. I feel under the weather.
    D.D. It is none of your business.
61. Bread and butter ____ what Americans usually have for breakfast.

    A.C. was
    B.B. is
    C.D. were
    D.A. are
35.[单选题]14. Not until actually faced with water scarcity ______ appreciate the value of water to a region.
    A.A. one can
    B.B. one cannot
    C.C. can one
    D.D. cannot one
36.[单选题]67. Every means ____tried but with no end.

    A.A. have been
    B.C. has been
    C.B. have had
    D.D. are
1. Scarlet: I'd like to buy a ticket to Detroit.
Scarlet: I am not sure. What is the difference?
    A.A. Round-trip or One-way?
    B.B. Go ahead.
    C.D. Are you living in Detroit?
    D.C. What can I do for you?
9. Jack: Would you mind passing me the paper for me, Henry?
Henry: __________, here you are.
    A.B. Yes, I mind
    B.C. I’d like to help, but I am afraid that I can not
    C.A. Sure, my pleasure
    D.D. Not at all
39.[单选题]17. Although he refused to act on my suggestion, he had to admit that ______ what I said.
    A.C. it was something as
    B.A. it was something in
    C.D. there was something in
    D.B. there was something as
40.[单选题]29. Being aware of the potential objections, they launched a ______ reform at the beginning stage.
    A.C. timid
    B.A. humble
    C.B. modest
    D.D. middle
15. Most people don’t think of a stamp as a receipt, but that is ______ it really is a proof of just how much money you paid in advance for mail delivery.
    A.A. boy...angel
    B.C. boy...angel’s
    C.B. boy’s...angel
    D.D. boy’s...angel’s
42.[单选题]65. Many a child ____to walk before he can speak.

    A.A. learn
    B.C. learned
    C.B. learns
    D.D. have learned
13. On the large board in the main hall of the airport, you can easily find the different destinations ______ which airlines can take you.
    A.C.B. of
    B.A. in
    C.D. by
    D.C. to
44.[单选题]12. It is illegal in some countries that children ______ unattended at home.
    A.D. being left
    B.C. are leaving
    C.B. left
    D.A. be left
75. Statistics ____ his most difficult subject and they are all worried that he won't pass the test.

    A.B. are
    B.D. were
    C.A. is
    D.C. was
46.[单选题]36. Susan (wife): It is a beautiful day. Let’s do something.
Andy (son): __________
Nathan (father): I’m sorry, but I’m busy today. I have to work.
    A.A. No, I am not feeling like doing anything.
    B.C. I can go rollerblading(滑冰) with Jack.
    C.D. What shall we do?
    D.B. How about going to the beach together?
19. In his lecture, the education expert emphasized the fact that nowadays children are exposed to many influences ______ that of their families.
    A.D. but for
    B.A. rather than
    C.B. other than
    D.C. except for
48.[单选题]68. My house and home ____ at 108 Maryland.

    A.C. were
    B.B. is
    C.D. is being
    D.A. are
49.[单选题]30. The union threatened a strike but called it ______ at the last minute.
    A.D. Up
    B.C. back
    C.A. off
    D.B. out
50.[单选题]21. According to the Constitution, any national agreement has to be ______ by a two-thirds majority in parliament.
    A.B. appointed
    B.A. approached
    C.C. approved
    D.D. appreciated
51.[单选题]72. Neither of your suggestions ____ sense.

    A.D. are made
    B.C. is made
    C.B. make
    D.A. makes
52.[单选题]11. A new material ______, we have good reason to be optimistic.
    A.B. being developed
    B.C. was being developed
    C.D. was developed
    D.A. developed
53.[单选题]74. Going to bed early and getting up early ____ a good habit.

    A.C. were
    B.A. is
    C.D. was
    D.B. are
22. The issue of e-commerce did not ______ any detailed discussions at the conference.
    A.C. give way to
    B.A. take delight in
    C.D. take advantage of
    D.B. give rise to
55.[单选题]28. The two soldiers spent many years together, fighting ______ and sharing their victories and disappointments.
    A.A. face to face
    B.B. side by side
    C.D. step by step
    D.C. back to back
56.[单选题]39. Mary: Happy birthday to you, Kate. This is for you.
Kate: __________
    A.A. Thank you so much. How nice of you!
    B.B. How much is it?
    C.C. Sorry, I haven’t got any gift for you.
    D.D. Oh, it’s a watch.
57.[问答题]73. A year is divided into 12 star signs.

58.[问答题]72. It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.

59.[问答题]71. Do you have an appointment with my president?

60.[问答题]假设你将参加某英文杂志开展的一次征文活动,要求你在电视、手机和网络三者当中,放弃其中的一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which Would You Give Up: TV, Cell or Web?”为题写出一篇不少于80词的短文。

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