作业答案 发表于 2019-12-2 00:27:14


西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷 类别: 网教            专业:英语            课程名称【编号】: 英语阅读一 【0008】               A卷         考试时间: 80 分钟               满分:100分 I.            语法与词汇。(每题2分,20小题,共40分) 1.—“What courses are you going to do nextsemester?” 
—“I don’t know. But it’s about time ___on something.”

A. I’ d decide   B. I decided      C. I decide      D. I’ m deciding 

2.The police have offered a large___ for information leading to the robber’sarrest.

A. award   B. compensation   C. prize      D. reward 

3.I arrived at the airport so late that I ___missed the plane.

A. only      B. quite       C. narrowly    D. seldom 

4.The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears werecompletely___.

A. unjustified      B. unjust      C. misguided   D. unaccepted 

5. The head of the Museum was ___ and let us actually examine the ancientmanuscripts.

A. promising    B. agreeing    C. pleasing   D. obliging  6. _____ their policy can be changed thefuture for that country will be indeed bleak. A. Even if   B. Unless             C. Now that       D. As long as 7. She said she would work it out herself_____ ask me for help. A. and not to      B. but not               C. and prefer not      D.rather than 8. —“I bought this shirt for 35 dollars yesterday.”—“It’s on sale today for only 29. You shouldhave waited.”—“On really? But how _____ I know?” A. would   B. can          C. did         D. do 9. They were pushed into battle _____. A. unprepared    B.unpreparedlyC. not preparing itD. without preparing it 10. She asked that she _____ allowed to seeher son in police custody. A. would be    B. could be      C. be   D. was 11. ____ the sight of the policeofficers, the men ran off.
A. In         B. At         C. On      D. With 12. ____ the wall, we decided thatwe should need three tins of paint.
A. Making up    B. Doing up   C. Putting up      D. Sizing up 13. _____ the whole, earlyAmerican city planning was excellent. A.   In          B. From          C. On          D. Above 14. ____ we are having these days!
A. What a lovely weather            B. Whatlovely weathersC. What lovely weather             D. What lovely a weather 15. ____, a man who expresseshimself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command oflanguage is poor.
A. Other things being equal            B. Were other things equalC. To be equal to other things            D. Other things to be equal 16. After a concert tour in Asia, Canada and the U.S., he will _____ work on afive-language opera.
A. confine             B. indulge          C. resume      D. undergo 17. After briefly ____ the historyof the author, Prof. Li turned to the novel itself immediately.
A. dipping in          B. dipping at      C. dipping into   D. dipping to 18. After negotiation, the twocountries ____ the terms of peace.
A. agreed with         B. agreed in         C. agreed to       D. agreed on 19. A man has to make _____ for his old age by putting aside enoughmoney to live on when old.
A. supply         B. assurance         C. provision   D. adjustment 20. A writer has to ____ imagination as well as his experiences forhis writing.
A. drawing back from         B. draw inC. draw up                  D.draw on II.         段落阅读理解:请简要概括下列段落的主题(Topic)或主旨大意(Main Idea)。(每题5分,6小题,共30分) 1. Running is one of the best exercises of all. Next time you haveto go to the store for a loaf of bread, try running instead of walking. Youwill be building up your leg muscles and giving your heart and lungs a goodworkout.The Topic: ______________________. 2. There are many ways to invest your hard-earned savingscautiously. In fact, there are so many ways that it all becomes a littleconfusing. One way through the confusion, which financial advisers recommend,is to know what you want to achieve, know how much risk you are prepared totake and go from there. But which way? Two common answers to this question areinvestment funds and investment-led insurance for the long term. The Topic: ______________________. 3. A relationship is an invisible link that brings people closer.Cooperation and trust strengthen a good relationship, and help both sides growand prosper.The Topic: ______________________. 4. The most important breakthroughs are coming in cancer, heartdisease, brain afflictions such as stroke, and autoimmune diseases such as TypeI (juvenile) diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Here aresome treatments that could reach patients within five to ten years. The Topic: ______________________. 5. However, because of recent changes in coffee production and marketing,shade coffee plantations are a threatened habitat. In the past twenty years,coffee has begun to be grown with no shade canopy at all. While this manner ofcultivation produces increased yields, these cannot be kept for many yearswithout intensive management (additions of chemical fertilizers and a range ofinsecticides, herbicides and fungicides).The Topic: _______________________. 6. Philip Coates-Wright freely admits that his obsession withNapoleon rules his life. It has cost him his marriage, eats up all his sparemoney, and dominates his spare time. Philip, 29, a lecturer in modern history,is a founder member of the Napoleonic Association, which re-enacts battles allover England.On field, he is a French Brigade Commander and wears authentic uniforms. Theorders he gives his troops are in 18th century French. Philip even got marriedin a French Hussar’s uniform. The Main Idea: _____________________________.    III.       篇章阅读理解:请阅读下面的文章,并回答问题。(每题2分,5小题,共10分) We had just starteda round of Bloody Marys. My girl friend took a sip, looked idly around the roomand suddenly, with more vivacity (轻松活泼) than I had seenin weeks, exclaimed, “Isn’t that Ernest Hemingway?”
   At the end of the bar, talking on the telephone, was atall man with a white beard, handsome and imposing.
    “It’s Hemingway all right,” I said.
    “Why don’t you ask him to have a drink with us?” she said,knowing I wouldn’t dare.
    What matter if the barman at the Ritz threw me out? My lifewas over anyway. “I’ll ask him,” I said.
    “No, no, don’t ,” she said. “I was just kidding.”
    “I wasn’t,” I said, squaring my shoulders and striding tothe bar. Hemingway had just ended his phone call.
    “Mr. Hemingway,” I said, “the young lady at the far tableand I would like you to join us for a drink, if you have time.”
    He looked at me, then across the room at her. Whether it wasbecause I was so obviously on the spot or because she was so pretty-she reallydid look like a cross between Gene Tierney and Audrey Hepburn, as people oftenremarked-he said, “I’ve got another phone call to make, and then I’ll join you.”
    When I returned to the table, my girl friend asked: “What’dhe say? What’d he say?”
   “He said he’d join us for a drink. Maybe he was just kidding.”
    A few minutes later, with both of us studiously not lookingtoward the end of the bar, a shadow loomed over the table and Hemingway satdown. We ordered another round of Bloody Marys.
    Hemingway told us he was going down to Spain for thebullfights. He said he had fully recovered from injuries suffered when hissmall plane had crashed in the African jungle a few months before. He asked mewhat kind of car I drove, and when I told him I had a Triumph TR-2-a big enginefor a small chassis (汽车底盘) -he remarked, “Get us the manifold pressurein one of those and you can really roll.”
    We chatted for a few moments. Then he looked at his watchand said: “I’d like to stay longer, but I’ve got a dinner date. Nice talking toyou.”
    My girl friend took my hand and smiled warmly at me for thefirst time in weeks. “You’ve got nerve,” she said.
    I signaled for the check. “Monsieur Hemingway a paye,” thewaiter said. Mr. Hemingway had paid for the drinks.

1. When they firstsaw Hemingway, the latter _______________.A. was drinkingBloody Marys B. was talking tothe barmanC. was talking onthe phoneD. was walking idlyaround the room 2. The girlsuggested that the author go and ask Hemingway to have a drink with thembecause ______.A. she was notspeaking seriouslyB. she was sureHemingway would comeC. she wanted totalk to Hemingway very muchD. she was sure theauthor would do as she suggested 3. After the authorwent to invite Hemingway, the latter _____. A. said he didn’thave timeB. promised to jointhem laterC. first said noand then said yesD. went to jointhem immediately 4. Hemingway talkedwith the two people about the following except _____. A. the car theauthor was driving B. the recovery ofhis healthC. the place he was going D. the book he waswriting 5. Which of thefollowing is NOT true with Hemingway according to the passage? A. Hemingway waspolite and considerate.B. Hemingway wasinjured a few months before.C. Hemingwaythought people needed pressure in life.D. Hemingway wastoo busy to find time to talk to common people. IV.          书面表达。(每题10分,2小题,共20分)1.   Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote manybooks about her life in the wilderness. Unit 1 is a true story from one of herbooks. On the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin in 1872, she lived with herfamily in a little log house. It is miles from any neighbors and far from anytown. On day her father was away from home, leaving the family alone in thewilderness. At night there came a big bear. Discuss the kind of life the familylived in the big woods. 2.In Unit 8 “TwoBoxes of Gold”, Herbert Blamyre was trusted one day with the urgent task ofcarrying two boxes of gold from London to Naples. On the way hecame to know Levison and Major Baxter. His traveling companions seem friendly,but they are not all trying to help him. Which of the two was more suspicious,Levison or Major Baxter? Give your reasons.

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