作业辅导 发表于 2019-12-4 09:19:47


西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教          专业:英语             2019年9月
课程名称【编号】:跨文化交际【0859】            A卷
大作业                                     满分:100分

Analyze the following cases,and then answer the given questions. (50%)
Case 1I can figure it out on my own
Jay is having difficulty in writing a paper for his communication class, because he’s not sure what the professor wants. When he mentions this to his friend Ellen, she suggests he ask the professor or a classmen to clarify directions. Jay refuses, saying “I can figure it out on my own”.Question for discussion:
Why does Jay refuse to ask his professor or classmen to clarify the directions for his paper?Case 2Melita feels hurt
Ted and Melita have been dating for two years and are very serious. To celebrate their anniversary Melita wants to spend quiet evening in her apartment where they can talk about the relationship and be alone with each other. When Ted arrives, he is planned to dine out and go to a concert. Melita feels hurt that he doesn’t want to talk and spend the evening alone with her.Question for discussion:
Could you explain to why Melita fees hurt that Ted doesn’t want to talk and speech the evening alone with?II. Answer the following questions: (50%)
“Stereotype” is said to be one of the potential barriers of intercultural communication. What is “stereotype”? Why we take stereotypes as a barrier of intercultural communication?As we know, a word in one language does not necessarily have a counterpart in the other language; words or terms in both languages appear to refer to the same object or concept only on the surface, but actually refer to quite different things. Explain the cultural differences of the following pairs of words: 龙vs. dragon, 知识分子 vs. intellectuals, 社会科学 vs. social sciences, 书 vs. book, 狗vs. dog.附近是答案,核对题目下载,转载注明www.ap5u.com
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