2、Lancaster J F. The physics of welding. New Yok:Pergamon,1986
焊接专业英语是焊接技术及工程专业学生的核心专业基础课之一。 通过本课程的教学活动,使学生掌握焊接专业的基本专业词汇、语言风格,进一步熟悉和巩固焊接技术的基础知识、常用焊接方法和工艺、切割方法和工艺、无损探伤方法以及焊接应力及裂纹的防止方法,为从事焊接实际工作以及国际焊接技术交流奠定基础。八、自学内容指导:
第一单元?(Unit one) ?Basic Knowledge of Welding
1)焊接的定义:Welding is the joining of metals and plastics by methods that do not employ fastening devices. 不同历史阶段对焊接定义有所不同,掌握各个阶段的定义。掌握与焊接定义有关的术语,如weld刑法的表现形式有广义和狭义之分。
2)焊接方法按照所用的能源进行分类,Welding processes are classified and named according to the type of energy source employed.
3)焊后热处理,post-welding heat treatment. 焊后热处理设备通常为加热炉,有gas furnace(燃气炉)、oil furnace(油炉)、electric furnace(电炉)等多种。焊后热处理的目的是消除残余应力、改善接头的塑性和韧性、提高几何形状的稳定性、促使残余氢气析出。
4)焊接后金属结构上出现热影响区(Heat affected zone, HAZ)、焊接残余变形(residual deformation)
Welder、Weld、Welding、Weldment、Heat treatment、Weldability、Weld thermal cycle、Joint、HAZ、Base metal、Parent metal、Post welding heat treatment、Metal structure、Welding variable, induction brazing
2) There are three main operations in the heat treatment of steel: 、
and 。
阅读并翻译教材中第8、9页上的阅读材料(reading Material)Unit Two Stress and Cracking of Welding
焊接应力(stress occurring in welding)、残余应力(residual stress)焊接裂纹的类型(type of weld crack)、焊缝失效分析(weld failure analysis )、焊接热循环、焊接裂纹的预防方法焊接残余应力、2、自学课时安排:2课时3、知识点:
1) 焊接应力(stress occurring in welding)的产生原因和影响因素: 产生焊接应力与变形的因素很多,其中最根本的原因是焊件受热不均匀,其次是由于焊缝金属的收缩、金相组织的变化及焊件的刚性不同所致。
2) 残余应力(welding residual stress)产生原因及消除措施:但焊接过程中的加热及冷却是不均匀的,在焊缝及其周围的区域中有很大的温度梯度。不均匀加热及局部拘束在焊缝及其附近的区域中导致应力。有些部位的应力可能会超过材料的屈服强度。这样会导致屈服现象,而发生屈服的部位之内应力大小等于材料的屈服点。焊件中的有些部位可能会在x、y和z三个方向产生同时产生屈服点应力。这种内应力成为残余应力,这种应力在没有外力、没有温度梯度的情况下仍存留在接头或工件中。
3)焊接裂纹(weld crack): 残余应力易导致裂纹。有些焊接裂纹产生在焊接过程中,有些裂纹产生在焊后不久,还有些裂纹产生在焊接完成几年以后。焊接裂纹的产生原因是非常复杂的。这里主要介绍残余应力导致的焊接裂纹,焊接过程中发生的裂纹和焊后不久产生的裂纹
4)相关英语词汇4、难点:焊件失效分析,失效方式至少有四种: 脆性断裂;疲劳断裂;层状撕裂;应力腐蚀开裂。5、章节同步习题
permanent deformation; yield point; compressive stress; plastic deformation; longitudinal crack;transverse crack;micro-crack; micro-fissure; hot crack; solidification crack;intercrystalline crack;transcrystalline crack;polygonization crack;liquation crack;ductility-dip crack;cold crack;delayed crack; hydrogen-induced crack;underbead crack;root crack; toe crack; chevron cracking;stress relief annealing crack (SR crack);reheat crack
Unite 3 Welding method
1)焊条电弧焊(SMAW):利用焊条做电极和填充材料,利用焊条与工件之间的电弧进行焊接的一种熔化极电弧焊。Shield metal-ARC is an arc welding process wherein coalescence is produced by heating with an arc between a covered or coated metal rod called the electrode and the work.
2)埋弧焊(SAW):利用焊丝与工件之间的电弧做热源,利用焊剂熔化后形成的一层熔渣进行保护的一种焊接方法。Submerged ARC Welding is defined as an arc welding process wherein coalescence is produced with an arc or arcs between a bare metal electrode or electrodes and the work, and the arc or arcs are shielded by a blanket of granular, fusible material on the work.
3) 二氧化碳焊(CO2 welding):利用二氧化碳做保护气体,利用焊丝与工件之间的电弧做热源进行焊接的一种熔化极电弧焊方法。CO2 welding is defined as an arc welding process wherein coalescence is produced with an arc between a bare metal electrode and the work, and the arc is shielded by a blanket of granular, fusible material on the work.
4) 钨极氩弧焊(GTAW) :利用钨做电极,氩气、氦气或氩氦混合气体进行保护的一种非熔化极电弧焊方法。Gas-tungsten are welding is non-consumable electrode arc welding process wherein tungsten is used as electrode and argon, helium or mixture of both is used as shielding gas.
5)熔化极气体保护焊(GMAW): Gas metal arc welding is an arc welding process wherein a continuous consumable wire is used as electrode and the arc and molten metal puddle is completely covered with a shield of gas.
6)电阻焊(RW):利用工件之间的接触电阻热进行焊接的一种方法。Resistance Welding is a welding process wherein weld is done by passing an electric current through two pieces of metal pressed together.
7)与各种电弧焊方法及电阻焊相关的词汇4、难点:不同焊接方法的工艺、设备及焊接参数选择方面的术语的掌握和运用 5、章节同步习题
2)解释些列词语的含义:as–welded、argon (shielded) arc welding、argon tungsten-arc welding、argon-arc welding、atomic H welding、atomic hydrogen welding、atomic-hydrogen welding、autogenous welding、automatic arc welding head、automatic arc welding machine、electro-slag pool welding、automatic submerged arc welding、automatic submerged-arc welding machine;deposition rate;fillet weld;short-circuiting transfer;cold lapping;vertical Welding; overhead Welding,dip transfer6、课后作业题:
阅读并翻译55、65、75、84、92和98页的阅读资料。Unit 4 Cutting
火焰切割(flame cutting)原理、方法和工艺,等离子切割(plasma ARC cutting)原理、方法和工艺。2、自学课时安排:2课时3、知识点:
1)火焰切割(flame cutting)原理:通过火焰热量将工件加热到燃点,利用工件与氧气流的反应热熔化工件,利用氧气流吹除熔渣的一种切割方法。Gas or flame cutting is done by preheating a spot on ferrous metal to its ignition temperature and then burning it with a stream of oxygen based on the following reaction:
3Fe + O2 = Fe3O4 + 50 MJ/mol
2) 火焰切割方法:手工(manual flame cutting )、自动(machine flame cutting )、数控(CNC flame cutting)
3) 等离子切割(plasma ARC cutting)原理:利用等离子弧热量熔化工件,利用高速等离子气吹除熔化的液态金属,形成切口的一种切割方法。Plasma arc cutting is a process wherein the deeply penetrating plasma jet melts through the material and themolten material is removed.
4) 等离子弧切割方法:手工(manual plasma arc cutting )、自动(machine plasma arc cutting )、数控(CNC plasma arc cutting)
Nozzle bore diameter, drooping characteristic; open circuit voltage; pilot arc; cut edge; edge squareness, slag adhering; CNC(compter numerical control); double arcing6、课后作业题:
阅读并翻译105页和113页的阅读资料。Unit five Inspection
射线探伤(radiographic inspection)、超声波探伤(ultrasonic inspection)、磁粉探伤(magnetic particle inspection)、渗透探伤(penetration inspection)等焊缝质量检验方法的原理、特点和应用。
1)射线探伤(radiographic inspection)原理:利用X射线或(射线透视焊缝,利用底片来评定焊缝内部缺陷的一种无损检验方法。
Radiographic inspection is a nondestructive examination method that uses invisible X-ray or gamma ray to examine the inerior of weld, which gives a permanent film record of defects that is relatively easy to interpret.
2) 超声波探伤(ultrasonic inspection)原理: 是利用超声波(一种类似于声波但高频率更高的机械振动波)进行的非破坏性检验方法。将超声波能量束射入到被检试样中,如果试样中存在缺陷或材料变化,则能量束的正常传输路径被中断,且发生反射;如果没有任何缺陷,则能量束在材料中正常传播,损失的能量很小。
Ultrasonic inspection is a nondestructive examination method that employs mechanical vibrations similar to sound waved but of a higher frequency.
3)磁粉探伤(magnetic particle inspection)原理:磁粉检验(MT)是一种非破坏性检验方法,用来检查铁磁性材料中的裂纹、孔隙、缝隙、夹渣、未焊透、未熔合及其它缺陷。这种方法可检验工件的表面缺陷及近表缺陷,对工件的尺寸和形状没有特别限制,但只有铁磁性材料才能使用这种方法。
Magnetic particle inspection is a nondestructive examination method of detecting cracks, porosities, inclusions, seams, lack of fusion and other discontinuities in the surfaces of ferromagnetic materials.
4)渗透探伤(penetration inspection): 液体渗透检验(PT)是一种具有高灵敏度的非破坏性检验方法,可用于检查小尺寸的缺陷,例如对材料的表面裂纹、气孔及孔隙。该方法适用于多种材料,例如铁及有色金属、玻璃和塑料。
Penetration inspection is a highly sensitive, nondestructive examination method for detecting minute discontinuities such as cracks, pores, which are open to the surfaces of materials being inspected.
welding imperfection、weld defect、blowhole/ gas pore、pinhole、porosity、wormhole、crack、surface crack、undercut、overlap、pit、burn through、excessive penetration、incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration、lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion、incompletely filled weld、root concavity、arc scratch、slag inclusion、inclusion、tungsten inclusion、fish eye/ flake、misalignment/ dislocation、test piece、test specimen、nondestructive test、visual examination、ultrasonic inspection、straight beam method、angle beam method、immersion method、radiographic inspection/ radiography、X-ray radiographic inspection、gamma-ray inspection、X-ray industrial television inspection、magnetic particle inspection、electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test、netration inspection、flurescent penetrant inspection、dye penetrant inspection、leak test、air tight test、pillow test、pressure test、hydraulic test、pneumatic test, film process operation, coupling fluid,dye penetrant;cold lapping 2)写出下列缩写的全称,并翻译成汉语
2) HAZ
3) PT
4) SAW
1、slag adhering
2、edge squareness
3、double arcing
4、Non-destructive examination
5、electromagnetic particle inspection
6、hydrogen-induced crack
7、underbead crack
8、root crack
9、reheat crack
(一)The outstanding features of the gas tungsten arc welding process are:
1. It will make high-quality welds in almost all metals and alloys.
2. Very little, if any, postweld cleaning is required.
3. The arc and weld pool are clearly visible to the welder.
4. No filler metal is carried across the arc, so there is little or no spatter.
5. Welding can be performed in all positions.
6.There is no slag produced that might be trapped in the weld.
This process allows the welder extreme control for precision work. Heat can be controlled closely and the arc can be accurately directed. GTAW is used in many welding manufacturing operations, primarily on thinner materials. It is useful for maintenance and repair work and for welding unusual' metals. Gas tungsten arc welding is widely used for joining thin wall tubing and for making root passes in pipe joints. The gas tungsten arc welds are usually of extremely high quality.(二) The shielded metal arc welding process, shown in Figure 6-23, consists of an arc between a covered electrode and the base metal. The arc is initiated by touching the electrode momentarily to the workpiece. The heat of the arc melts the surface of the base metal to form a molten pool. The metal melted from the electrode is transferred across the arc into the molten pool. When it solidifies it becomes the deposited weld metal. The molten pool, sometimes called the weld puddle, must be properly controlled for successful application of the SMAW process. The size of the weld pool and the depth of penetration determine the mass of molten metal under the control of the welder. If the current is too high, the depth of penetration will be excessive and the volume of molten weld metal will become uncontrollable. A higher speed of travel reduces the size of the
molten weld pool. When welds are not made in the flat position, the molten metal may run out of the pool and create problems. Adjusting the welding variables and manipulating the arc allow the welder to control the molten metal pool properly. The weld metal deposit is covered by a slag from the electrode covering. The arc in the immediate arc area is enveloped by an atmosphere of protective gas produced by the disintegration of the electrode coating. Most of the electrode core is transferred across the arc; however, small particles escape from the weld area as spatter. (三) 3 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is an arc welding process that uses an arc between a continuous filler metal electrode and the weld pool. The process is used with shielding from an externally supplied gas and without the application of pressure. It was developed in the late 1940s for welding aluminum and has become very popular. This process, also called metal inert gas (MIG) welding, is shown in Figure 6-36.There are many variations depending on the type of shielding gas, the type of metal transfer, the type of metal welded, and so on. It has been given many names, including MIG welding, CO2 welding, fine wire welding, spray arc welding, pulse arc welding, dip transfer welding, short-circuit arc welding, and various trade names.
The gas metal arc welding process, shown in Figure 6-37, uses the heat of an arc between a continuously fed consumable electrode and the work to be welded. The heat of the arc melts the surface of the base metal and the end of the electrode. The metal melted off the electrode is transferred across the arc to the molten pool. The molten weld metal, sometimes called the weld puddle, must be properly controlled to provide a high-quality weld. The depth of penetration is controlled by many factors, but the primary one is the welding current. If the depth of penetration is too great, the are will burn through thinner material and reduce the quality of a weld.
The width of the molten pool is also based on many factors, but the primary one is the travel speed, ff the molten pool is too large, particularly when welding other than in the flat position, the molten metal will run out and create a welding problem. Many factors, including electrode size and the mode of metal transfer, relate to the weld pool size. 焊接专业英语考试试题(一)答案
1) GMAW: gas metal arc welding, 熔化极氩弧焊
2) HAZ: heat affected zone, 焊接热影响区
3) PT liquid-penetration testing(inspection),着色渗透探伤
4) SAW submerged arc welding, 埋弧焊二、解释下列英文焊接术语
1、slag adhering:挂渣
2、edge squareness:切口边缘垂直度
3、double arcing:双弧
4、Non-destructive examination:无损检验
5、electromagnetic particle inspection:磁粉检验
6、hydrogen-induced crack:氢致裂纹
7、underbead crack:焊道下裂纹
8、root crack:根部裂纹
9、reheat crack:再热裂纹
(一)The outstanding features of the gas tungsten arc welding process are:
1. It will make high-quality welds in almost all metals and alloys.
2. Very little, if any, postweld cleaning is required.
3. The arc and weld pool are clearly visible to the welder.
4. No filler metal is carried across the arc, so there is little or no spatter.
5. Welding can be performed in all positions.
6.There is no slag produced that might be trapped in the weld.
This process allows the welder extreme control for precision work. Heat can be controlled closely and the arc can be accurately directed. GTAW is used in many welding manufacturing operations, primarily on thinner materials. It is useful for maintenance and repair work and for welding unusual' metals. Gas tungsten arc welding is widely used for joining thin wall tubing and for making root passes in pipe joints. The gas tungsten arc welds are usually of extremely high quality.非熔化极惰性气体保护焊的最突出的特点是:
1. 几乎可以焊接所有的金属及合金,而且焊缝质量高;
2. 焊后仅需要很少的清理,甚至不需要进行清理;
3. 焊工可清晰地观察到熔池和电弧;
4. 填充金属不通过电弧过渡,因此飞溅很小,甚至没有飞溅;
5. 适合于各种焊接位置和全位置焊接;
6. 焊接过程中不产生焊渣,焊缝中没有夹渣。
GTAW电弧可精确地对准被焊位置,具有很高的控制精度,因此特别适合于精密焊接。由于可严格控制热输入,因此特别适合于热敏感材料和特殊材料的焊接。目前,这种方法已广泛用于各工业部门中,主要用于薄板、薄壁管的焊接以及厚壁管的打底焊。另外,还用于维护及维修工作。GTAW焊缝通常具有很好的质量。(二) The shielded metal arc welding process, shown in Figure 6-23, consists of an arc between a covered electrode and the base metal. The arc is initiated by touching the electrode momentarily to the workpiece. The heat of the arc melts the surface of the base metal to form a molten pool. The metal melted from the electrode is transferred across the arc into the molten pool. When it solidifies it becomes the deposited weld metal. The molten pool, sometimes called the weld puddle, must be properly controlled for successful application of the SMAW process. The size of the weld pool and the depth of penetration determine the mass of molten metal under the control of the welder. If the current is too high, the depth of penetration will be excessive and the volume of molten weld metal will become uncontroliable. A higher speed of travel reduces the size of the
molten weld pool. When welds are not made in the flat position, the molten metal may run out of the pool and create problems. Adjusting the welding variables and manipulating the arc allow the welder to control the molten metal pool properly. The weld metal deposit is covered by a slag from the electrode covering. The arc in the immediate arc area is enveloped by an atmosphere of protective gas produced by the disintegration of the electrode coating. Most of the electrode core is transferred across the arc; however, small particles escape from the weld area as spatter.
图6.23给出了手工电弧焊原理图。通过用焊条端部刮擦工件引燃电弧,电弧热量熔化工件表面,形成熔池;同时焊条钢芯在电弧热量作用下熔化,形成熔滴,穿过电弧过渡到熔池中。电弧前移后,熔池凝固形成焊缝。焊接过程中必须很好地控制熔池才能形成高质量的焊缝。熔池的尺寸及熔深大小决定了熔池中液态金属的重量,而液态金属的重量影响熔池金属的控制难易程度。焊接电流过大时,熔深过大,而体积过大的熔池很难控制。增大焊接速度可减小熔池的体积。在非平焊位置焊接时,液态金属熔池容易留出熔池,导致焊接缺陷。这种情况下,焊工可通过调节焊接参数或电弧运行轨迹(运条方式)来控制熔池。凝固的焊缝金属覆盖着一层药皮形成的焊渣。电弧被焊条药品分解出的保护性气体所包围。 熔化的焊条钢芯大部分过渡到熔池中,但也有一小部分飞溅到熔池之外。 (三) Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is an arc welding process that uses an arc between a continuous filler metal electrode and the weld pool.The process is used with shielding from an externally supplied gas and without the application of pressure. It was developed in the late 1940s for welding aluminum and has become very popular.This process, also called metal inert gas (MIG) welding, is shown in Figure 6-36.There are many variations depending on the type of shielding gas, the type of metal transfer, the type of metal welded, and so on. It has been given many names, including MIG welding, CO2 welding, fme wire welding, spray arc welding, pulse arc welding, dip transfer welding, short-circuit arc welding, and various trade names.
The gas metal arc welding process, shown in Figure 6-37, uses the heat of an arc between a continuously fed consumable electrode and the work to be welded. The heat of the arc melts the surface of the base metal and the end of the electrode. The metal melted off the electrode is transferred across the arc to the molten pool. The molten weld metal, sometimes called the weld puddle, must be properly controlled to provide a high-quality weld. The depth of penetration is controlled by many factors, but the primary one is the welding current. If the depth of penetration is too great, the are will burn through thinner material and reduce the quality of a weld.
The width of the molten pool is also based on many factors, but the primary one is the travel speed, ff the molten pool is too large, particularly when welding other than in the flat position, the molten metal will run out and create a welding problem. Many factors, including electrode size and the mode of metal transfer, relate to the weld pool size.
焊接专业英语考试试题(二)一、解释些列缩写术语并写出详细英文术语 1、DCRP
1、drooping characteristic
2、open circuit voltage
3、pilot arc
4、resistance Welding
5、slag inclusion
6、fillet weld
7、short-circuiting transfer
8、ultrasonic inspection
9、gamma-ray inspection
(一)Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is an arc welding process that uses an arc between a tungsten electrode (non-consumable) and the weld pool. The process is used with shielding gas and without the application of pressure. Filler metal may or may not be used. This process was developed in the late 1930s as TIG welding, and was used to weld nonferrous metals, particularly magnesium and aluminum and to join hard-to-weld metals. TIG stands for tungsten inert gas welding.
The gas tungsten arc welding process uses the heat of an arc between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the base metal. The welder's view of the gas tungsten arc is shown in Figure 5-8. The arc develops intense heat, approximately 11,000~F (6, IO0~C), which melts the surface of the base metal to form a molten pool. Filler metal is not added when thinner materials, edge joints, and flange joints are welded. This is known as autogenous welding. For thicker materials an externally fed or cold filler rod is generally used .The filler metal is not transferred across the arc but melted by it. The arc area is protected from the atmosphere by the inert shielding gas, which flows from the nozzle of the torch. The shielding gas displaces the air, so that the oxygen and the nitrogen of the air do not come in contact with the molten metal or the hot tungsten electrode. As the molten metal cools, coalescence occurs and the parts are joined. There is little or no spatter and little or no smoke. The resulting weld is smooth and uniform and requires minimum finishing.(二)he shielded metal arc welding process is one of the most popular arc welding processes. It has maximum flexibility and can weld many metals in all positions from near minimum to maximum thickness. The investment for equipment is relatively small. It is used in manufacturing and in field work for construction and maintenance.
This process has all-position capabilities (Figure 6-24). Welding in the horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions depends on the type and size of the electrode, the welding current, and the skill of the Welder.
This process can be used to weld steels and some of the nonferrous metals. Its major use is for joining steels, incuding low-carbon or mild steels, low-alloy steels, high-strength steels, quenched and tempered steels, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, and corrosion-resistant steels, and forwelding cast iron and malleable irons. It is used for welding nickel and nickel alloys and to a lesser degree for welding copper and some copper alloys. It can be, but rarely is, used for welding aluminum. It is not used for welding magnesium, the precious metals, or the refractory metals. Figure 1-3 in Chapter 1 shows the weldable base metals. Shielded metal arc welding is also used for surfacing. (三) An envelope of gas fed through the nozzle provides shielding of the molten pool, the arc, and the surrounding area. This shielding gas, which may be an inert gas, an active gas, or a mixture, surrounds the arc area to protect it from contamination from the atmosphere. The electrode is fed into the arc automatically, usually from a coil of wire. The are is maintained automatically and travel and guidance can be handled manually or by machine. The metal being welded dictates the composition of the electrode and the shielding gas .The shielding gas and the type and size of the electrode affect the mode of metal transfer.The metal transfer mode is one way of identifying the variation of the process.
The GMAW process has become one of the most popular arc welding processes. The four major variations of the process are based on the mode of metal transfer. The early development of GMAW was for welding aluminum using inert gas for shielding.This used the spray mode of transfer, with argon shielding and a relatively large diameter electrode.This produced a smooth weld bead with a relatively small amotmt of spatter but used a large, sometimes uncontrollable molten weld pool.
焊接专业英语考试试题(二)答案一、解释些列缩写术语并写出详细英文术语 1、DCRP:direct current reverse polarity, 直流反接
2、MIG: metal inert gas welding, 熔化极惰性气体保护焊
3、TIG: tungsten inert gas welding, 钨极氩弧焊
4、XT: X-ray radiographic inspection,X射线检验
1、drooping characteristic:下降外特性
2、open circuit voltage:空载电压
3、pilot arc:引导电弧
4、resistance Welding:电阻焊
5、slag inclusion:夹渣
6、fillet weld:角焊缝
7、short-circuiting transfer:短路过渡
8、ultrasonic inspection:超声波检验
9、gamma-ray inspection 伽马射线检验
(一)Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is an arc welding process that uses an arc between a tungsten electrode (non-consumable) and the weld pool. The process is used with shielding gas and without the application of pressure. Filler metal may or may not be used. This process was developed in the late 1930s as TIG welding, and was used to weld nonferrous metals, particularly magnesium and aluminum and to join hard-to-weld metals. TIG stands for tungsten inert gas welding.
The gas tungsten arc welding process uses the heat of an arc between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the base metal. The welder's view of the gas tungsten arc is shown in Figure 5-8. The arc develops intense heat, approximately 11,000~F (6, IO0~C), which melts the surface of the base metal to form a molten pool. Filler metal is not added when thinner materials, edge joints, and flange joints are welded. This is known as autogenous welding. For thicker materials an externally fed or cold filler rod is generally used .The filler metal is not transferred across the arc but melted by it. The arc area is protected from the atmosphere by the inert shielding gas, which flows from the nozzle of the torch. The shielding gas displaces the air, so that the oxygen and the nitrogen of the air do not come in contact with the molten metal or the hot tungsten electrode. As the molten metal cools, coalescence occurs and the parts are joined. There is little or no spatter and little or no smoke. The resulting weld is smooth and uniform and requires minimum finishing.钨极惰性气体保护焊 (GTAW)是利用钨极(非熔化极)与熔池之间的电弧进行焊接的一种电弧焊方法(见图5.7)。该方法使用保护气体,但不施加任何压力。可使用填充金属,也可不使用填充金属。该方法是20世纪30年代后期发明的,最初称为TIG焊,主用来焊接有色金属(特别是镁和铝)和难焊金属。
钨极惰性气体保护焊使用钨极和工件之间的电弧之热量进行焊接。图5.8给出了钨极惰性气体保护焊时焊工的观察到典型视图。电弧所产生的热量熔化母材,并形成熔池。焊接薄板、端接接头和卷边接头时,不使用填充金属;这种焊接方式称为自体焊接。而焊接厚板时,通常需要使用填充金属。 填充金属熔化后,从熔池边缘流入熔池而不是通过电弧过渡到熔池。喷嘴中喷出的保护气体对电弧及熔池进行保护。保护气体排开电弧和熔池周围的空气,阻止氧气及氮气接触到熔池和高温钨电极。熔池金属冷却并凝固后,形成冶金结合,两个工件通过焊缝连接起来。这种焊接方法基本上没有飞溅和烟尘。焊缝表面光滑、整条焊缝的外形均匀一致,无需进行焊后清理。(二)he shielded metal arc welding process is one of the most popular arc welding processes. It has maximum flexibility and can weld many metals in all positions from near minimum to maximum thickness. The investment for equipment is relatively small. It is used in manufacturing and in field work for construction and maintenance.
This process has all-position capabilities (Figure 6-24). Welding in the horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions depends on the type and size of the electrode, the welding current, and the skill of the Welder.
This process can be used to weld steels and some of the nonferrous metals. Its major use is for joining steels, incuding low-carbon or mild steels, low-alloy steels, high-strength steels, quenched and tempered steels, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, and corrosion-resistant steels, and forwelding cast iron and malleable irons. It is used for welding nickel and nickel alloys and to a lesser degree for welding copper and some copper alloys. It can be, but rarely is, used for welding aluminum. It is not used for welding magnesium, the precious metals, or the refractory metals. Figure 1-3 in Chapter 1 shows the weldable base metals. Shielded metal arc welding is also used for surfacing.
手工电弧焊可用于焊接各种钢及某些有色金属。主要用于钢的焊接,包括低碳钢、低合金高强钢、调质钢、高合金钢、不锈钢、耐蚀钢等。也常用来焊接铸铁、可锻铁、镍及镍合金,在某些情况下还可焊接铜及铜合金。虽然也能用来焊接铝,但应用较少。手工电弧焊不能焊接的金属有镁、贵重金属及难熔合金。关于所有的可焊金属,参见第一章图1.3。另外,手工电弧焊还可用于表面堆焊。 (三) An envelope of gas fed through the nozzle provides shielding of the molten pool, the arc, and the surrounding area. This shielding gas, which may be an inert gas, an active gas, or a mixture, surrounds the arc area to protect it from contamination from the atmosphere. The electrode is fed into the arc automatically, usually from a coil of wire. The are is maintained automatically and travel and guidance can be handled manually or by machine. The metal being welded dictates the composition of the electrode and the shielding gas .The shielding gas and the type and size of the electrode affect the mode of metal transfer.The metal transfer mode is one way of identifying the variation of the process.
The GMAW process has become one of the most popular arc welding processes. The four major variations of the process are based on the mode of metal transfer. The early development of GMAW was for welding aluminum using inert gas for shielding.This used the spray mode of transfer, with argon shielding and a relatively large diameter electrode.This produced a smooth weld bead with a relatively small amotmt of spatter but used a large, sometimes uncontrollable molten weld pool.
焊接专业英语考试试题(三)一、解释些列缩写术语并写出详细英文术语 1、DCSP
1、cut edge
2、compter numerical control
3、plasma arc cutting
4、electromagnetic particle inspection
5、X-ray radiographic inspection
6、post welding heat-treatment
7、induction brazing
8、Base metal
9、weld thermal cycle
(一)The manual method of applying is used for the greatest majority of work. However, both mechanized and automatic methods are increasingly used. Torches equipped with filler metal wire feed systems are available for semiautomatic welding, but they have limited application.
The gas tungsten arc welding process is an all-position welding process. Welding in other-than-flat positions depends on the base metal, the welding current, and the skill of the welder. This process was originally developed for the hard-to-weld metals. It can be used to weld more different kinds of metals than any other arc welding process.
This process can weld extremely thin metals normally by the automatic method and without the addition of filler metal. Above 0.125 in. (3.2 mm), a joint preparation is usually required; however, this depends on the base metal type and welding position. Also, above this thickness, multi-pass technique is usually required.(二)The normal method of applying SMAW is the manual (MA) method. This is the most common method and represents 99% of all use of the process. Semiautomatic (SA) and mechanized (ME) methods are not used. The automatic (AU) method, called gravity welding, is used but has limited applications and is no longer popular.
The range of thickness of base metal normally welded is shown in Figure 6-25.The minimum thickness that can be welded is largely dependent on the skill of the welder. Steel of 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) can be welded by a skilled welder. Steel up to 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) can be welded without a groove if sufficient root opening is provided. Thicker material requires joint preparation and multiple passes. The largest fillet weld that can normally be made in one pass in the horizontal position is 5/16 in. (8 ram). In the vertical position larger fillets can be made; however, quality deteriorates if fillets are made over 3/8 in.(10 mm) in a single pass. Maximum thickness is practically unlimited but requires a multiple-pass technique.(三)For welding steels, inert gases were too expensive and an active gas, CO2, was selected. This was based on the analysis of gases produced by disintegration of the coating of covered steel electrodes. COx welding was adopted for welding mild steels in the flat position using relatively large electrode wires.The metal transfer was globular and the spatter was greater than desired. This did not become too popular with welders because of the high heat and high travel speed.
Efforts to refine this variation led to an all-position variation still using CO2 gas shielding but with lower currents and smaller-diameter electrodes . This variation provides a short-circuiting mode of metal transfer and is called short-circuiting or dip transfer welding. Improvements were made by using shielding gas mixtures of argon and CO2.This provided a smooth, nice-appearing weld surface that could be used to weld thin materials in all positions.The short-circuiting mode of welding should not be used on structural applications.
焊接专业英语考试试题(三)答案一、解释些列缩写术语并写出详细英文术语 1、DCSP:direct current straight polarity, 直流反接
2、GMAW: Gas metal arc welding, 熔化极气体保护焊
3、GTAG: Gas tungsten arc welding, 钨极氩弧焊
4、UT: ultrasonicinspection,超声波检验
二、解释下列英文焊接术语 1、cut edge:切口边缘
2、compter numerical control:数控
3、plasma arc cutting:等离子弧切割
4、electromagnetic particle inspection:磁粉检验
5、X-ray radiographic inspection :X射线检验
6、post welding heat-treatment:焊后热处理
7、induction brazing:感应钎焊
8、Base metal:母材
9、weld thermal cycle:焊接热循环
(一)The manual method of applying is used for the greatest majority of work. However, both mechanized and automatic methods are increasingly used. Torches equipped with filler metal wire feed systems are available for semiautomatic welding, but they have limited application.
The gas tungsten arc welding process is an all-position welding process. Welding in other-than-flat positions depends on the base metal, the welding current, and the skill of the welder. This process was originally developed for the hard-to-weld metals. It can be used to weld more different kinds of metals than any other arc welding process.
This process can weld extremely thin metals normally by the automatic method and without the addition of filler metal. Above 0.125 in. (3.2 mm), a joint preparation is usually required; however, this depends on the base metal type and welding position. Also, above this thickness, multi-pass technique is usually required.
自动GTAW焊可焊接极薄的材料,而且焊接时无需使用填充金属。工件厚度大于0.125in.(3.2 mm )时,通常需要开坡口,而坡口的形式根据母材的类型和焊接位置来决定。大于该厚度时通常需要采用多道焊技术进行焊接。(二)The normal method of applying SMAW is the manual (MA) method. This is the most common method and represents 99% of all use of the process. Semiautomatic (SA) and mechanized (ME) methods are not used. The automatic (AU) method, called gravity welding, is used but has limited applications and is no longer popular.
The range of thickness of base metal normally welded is shown in Figure 6-25.The minimum thickness that can be welded is largely dependent on the skill of the welder. Steel of 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) can be welded by a skilled welder. Steel up to 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) can be welded without a groove if sufficient root opening is provided. Thicker material requires joint preparation and multiple passes. The largest fillet weld that can normally be made in one pass in the horizontal position is 5/16 in. (8 ram). In the vertical position larger fillets can be made; however, quality deteriorates if fillets are made over 3/8 in.(10 mm) in a single pass. Maximum thickness is practically unlimited but requires a multiple-pass technique.
涂药焊条电弧焊的操作方式主要是手工方式,这也是手工电弧焊名称的来源。利用焊条进行的焊接有99%以上都是采用手工方式,不采用半自动和机械化操作方式。而采用自动化操作方式的焊条电弧焊称为重力焊,这种方法的应用非常有限,现在已基本淘汰。手工电弧焊适用的工件厚度范围见图6.25。手工电弧焊可焊接的最小厚度取决于焊工的操作技术。技术好的焊工可焊接厚度为1/16 in.(1.6mm)的钢板。厚度不超过1/4 in.(6.4mm)的钢板可采用I形坡口进行焊接,但间隙要足够大。厚度大于1/4 in.(6.4mm)的工件需要开其他形式的坡口,并采用多道焊。通常情况下,单道焊所能焊的角焊缝最大焊脚尺寸为5/16 in.(8mm)。在立焊位置,可焊接的角焊缝最大焊脚尺寸稍大一些,但是,如果单道焊脚尺寸大于3/8 in.(10mm),焊缝质量将明显下降。采用多道焊技术时,手工电弧焊的可焊厚度是无限的。(三)For welding steels, inert gases were too expensive and an active gas, CO2, was selected. This was based on the analysis of gases produced by disintegration of the coating of covered steel electrodes. COx welding was adopted for welding mild steels in the flat position using relatively large electrode wires.The metal transfer was globular and the spatter was greater than desired. This did not become too popular with welders because of the high heat and high travel speed.
Efforts to refine this variation led to an all-position variation still using CO2 gas shielding but with lower currents and smaller-diameter electrodes . This variation provides a short-circuiting mode of metal transfer and is called short-circuiting or dip transfer welding. Improvements were made by using shielding gas mixtures of argon and CO2.This provided a smooth, nice-appearing weld surface that could be used to weld thin materials in all positions.The short-circuiting mode of welding should not be used on structural applications.
由于惰性气体成本太高,焊钢时通常选用CO2气体。CO2气体的采用是受到了手工电弧焊焊条药皮分解气体成分的启发。最初,CO2气体保护焊采用较粗的焊丝(1/16 in.(1.6 mm))来焊接平焊位置的低碳钢。采用的滴状过渡方式为滴状过渡,这种熔滴方式产生的飞溅较大。 现在这种熔滴过渡方式已经很少使用,这是因为弧光辐射过于强烈。
随着对CO2气体保护焊的不断改良,出现了一种适用于全位置焊接的CO2气体保护焊。这种方法采用小电流、细焊丝(0.35、0.4 5 in.(0.9 、1.1 mm))和短弧长。由于过渡形式为短路过渡,因此通常称为短路过渡CO2气体保护焊。后来又对其进行了改进,采用氩气和CO2的混合气体进行保护。采用这种混合气体的优点是焊缝平滑美观,可用于薄板的全位置焊接。
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