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0859《 跨文化交际》西南大学20春在线作业

0859 跨文化交际
1.[单选题]When one customer inquired about Mary, my colleague, who resigned a couple of weeks before, I, a Chinese American, said, “She’s at a better place now.” Upon hearing it, the customer was startled and asked sorrowfully, “What? How sad! What happened to her?”
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How did the customer understand the reply “She’s at a better place now”?
A. She’s landed a better job.
B. She’s spending her holiday.
C. She’s dead.
D. She’s jobless.

    A.She’s landed a better job.
    B.She’s spending her holiday.
    C.She’s dead.
    D.She’s jobless.
2.[单选题]2. Li Hao is an interpreter. One day a foreign visitor, Mr. Brown, talks to him, saying “Your English is quite fluent.” Li Hao should reply, ___________.
A. “Thank you. It’s kind of you to say so.”
B. “No, not at all.”
C. “No, no, my English is poor.”
D. “Oh, no. Far from that, I still have a long way to go.”

    A.C.“No, no, my English is poor.”
    B.“No, not at all.”
    C.“Oh, no. Far from that, I still have a long way to go.”
    D.“Thank you. It’s kind of you to say so.”
3.[单选题]“A Pandora’s box” refers to a present or something ____.
A.    which seems valuable but brings misfortune
B.   which brings happiness but looks ugly
C.   which a bride traditionally gives to a bridegroom
D.    which can create anything its owner wants

    A.E.which a bride traditionally gives to a bridegroom
    B.which brings happiness but looks ugly
    C.which can create anything its owner wants
    D.which seems valuable but brings misfortune
4.[单选题]A and B are neighbors. A says, “My cat knocked over my new vase this morning.” B replies, _________.
A. “What a shame!”      
B. “A shame.”

C. “Shame on you.”      
D. “Shame!”

    A.“What a shame!”???
    B.“A shame.”
    D.“Shame on you.”??
5.[单选题]When introduced to a senior professor or to the parents of a friend, which of the following is appropriate?
A. “Hi! Glad to know you.”   
B. “Hello” and bow.
C. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” and then shake hands.
D. “How are you?”

    A.“Hi! Glad to know you.”??
    B.“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” and then shake hands.
    C.“Hello” and bow.
    D.“How are you?”
6.[单选题]“Chink” and “洋鬼子” are clear cases of ____.
A.    swear words
B.   racist language
C.   terms of humility
D.    verbal taboos

    A.A.swear words
    B.D. racist language
    C.terms of humility
    D.verbal taboos
7.[单选题]The relationship between language and culture is that ____.
A.    language determines culture
B.   culture determines language
C.   language and culture interact
D.    language and culture are parallel

    A.language determines culture
    B.language and culture are parallel
    C.language and culture interact
    D.culture determines language
8.[单选题]Which topic is more appropriate to discuss immediately after an introduction?
A. Politics.      
B. Religion.   
C. Marital status.   
D. Weather.

    C.Policitcs    QQ 7612 96021
    D.Marital status
9.[单选题]In America, you go into a department store but you just want to look without any intention of buying anything. A salesperson comes up to you and asks, “Can I help you?” What should you do?
A. Say, “Thanks, but I’m just browsing.”
B. Say yes and ask for help so you won’t offend the salesperson.
C. Say no.
D. Smile and shake your head.

    A.Say no.
    B.Smile and shake your head.?
    C.Say yes and ask for help so you won’t offend the salesperson.
    D.Say, “Thanks, but I’m just browsing.”
10.[单选题]In England, Australia, New Zealand, etc. the first week day after Christmas is ____.
A.    Boxing Day
B.   Thanksgiving Day
C.   Easter
D.    St. Valentine’s Day

    A.St. Valentine’s Day
    B.Boxing Day
    D.Thanksgiving Day
11.[单选题]The euphemism for a slow students is ____.
A.    a lazy student
B.   a student who is working at his own level
C.   a student who depends on others to do his work
D.    a bad student

    A.a student who is working at his own level
    B.a bad student
    C.a student who depends on others to do his work
    D.a lazy student
12.[单选题]You have spent an afternoon with your foreign teacher, Mr. Good. As you leave Mr. Good says, “Do drop around and visit us some time.” You reply, ______________.
A. “Yes, of course, if I am free.”
B. “I will come anytime, if you like.”
C. “Thank you. I will come at 7 p.m. on Monday.”
D. “Thank you, I will.”

    A.B.“I will come anytime, if you like.”
    B.“Yes, of course, if I am free.”
    C.“Thank you, I will.”
    D.“Thank you. I will come at 7 p.m. on Monday.”
13.[单选题]“Pork”, “mutton” and “beef” are words ____.
A.    of English origin
B.   from French
C.   from Latin
D.    from India

    A.of English origin
    B.from French
    C.from Latin
    D.from India
14.[单选题]When you want to compliment the new coat John wears you can say, ____.
A.    “I like your new coat.”
B.   “That’s a very nice coat you’re wearing. It must be very expensive.”
C.   “You look much younger in this coat.”
D.    “How much did you pay for this coat?”

    A.“You look much younger in this coat.”
    B.“How much did you pay for this coat?”
    C.“I like your new coat.”
    D.“That’s a very nice coat you’re wearing. It must be very expensive.”
15.[单选题]You’ve just been asked out to dinner but you don’t want to go with the person who invited you. You might say, __________.
A. “I don’t think so. I already have plans.”
B. “No, I really don’t enjoy being with you.”
C. “I’m dieting so I mustn’t go out to eat.”
D. “Thanks a lot but I’m busy tonight.”

    A.F.“I’m dieting so I mustn’t go out to eat.”
    B.“No, I really don’t enjoy being with you.”
    C.“I don’t think so. I already have plans.”
    D.“Thanks a lot but I’m busy tonight.”
16.[判断题]To sound modest and humble was vital to the ancient Chinese people, especially when they communicated with those who were older, higher in socioeconomic position, or more privileged in a specific area.

17.[判断题]Nonverbal communication may only be used in combination with verbal behaviours to convey meaning.

18.[判断题]It is true that one’s own culture is superior to all other cultures.

19.[判断题]Violating a cultural taboo is as serious as violating a verbal taboo.

20.[判断题]In Chinese culture, anything related to privacy or considered personal are taboo.

21.[判断题]Traditional English culture emphasized harmonious relationships between man and nature, between individuals, and between individuals and society.

22.[判断题]Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals.

23.[判断题]The East and the West have different perceptions of cosmic patterns, resulting in different approaches to knowledge.   

24.[判断题]Culture is a static entity while communication is a dynamic process.
25.[判断题]Culture can be seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture.

26.[判断题]In referring to animals and birds, the Chinese practice is generally, but not always, to use “公” or “母” to show whether a creature is male or female. This is the same with the English language.

27.[判断题]In intercultural communication, you can only communicate successfully with people who share the same cultural background with you.

28.[判断题]All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which politeness is achieved may vary significantly.   

29.[判断题]English speakers “feel grateful” for many things that seem to us Chinese too trivial to deserve a “thank you”.

30.[判断题]Humor is beyond language, and it takes us into the heart of cultural understanding.
31.[判断题]The appropriateness of physical contact varies with different cultures.

32.[判断题]Latin American, African, Arab and most Asian cultures are M-Time cultures.

33.[判断题]The first and last principle for effective cross-gender communication is suspending judgment.
34.[判断题]American English differs from British English mainly in pronunciation and vocabulary.

35.[判断题]Language cannot teach one a culture’s lifestyle, ways of thinking, or different patterns of interacting, for language only means vocabulary, syntax, and dialects.

36.[主观填空题]In fact, humor goes beyond language; it takes us into the heart of the _______.(culture/history)

37.[主观填空题]When communicating with each other, each person ___________ and sends messages, and in turn receives and decodes messages. (records/encodes)

38.[主观填空题]Historically the East has tended to view _______ existence as cyclical and has often characterized worldly existence with the metaphor of a wheel.   (spiritual/material)

39.[主观填空题]<p style="line-height:150%"><span style="line-height: 150%;font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif">Intercultural competence requires sufficient knowledge, suitable _______, and skilled actions. (motivation/movement)</span>

40.[主观填空题]The social functions in which compliments occur ranging from formal to very          . (casual/usual)

41.[主观填空题]In feminine culture, talking is a way—probably the primary way—to express and expand closeness. For women, dialogue creates a bond. Masculine socialization, in contrast, stresses____________ things and shared activities as primary ways to create and express closeness. (doing/talking)

42.[主观填空题]Culture _________ is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. (shock/norm)

43.[主观填空题]A term in one language does not necessarily have a ______ in the other language. (meaning/counterpart)

44.[主观填空题]It is important to remember that culture is not a ______________ entity. (dynamic/static)

45.[主观填空题]Being unaware of the difference, intercultural communication          occurs here and there. (breakdown/event)

46.[主观填空题]Most nonverbal behavior is acquired throughout the socialization process and is therefore _____________. (culture-specific/universal)

47.[主观填空题]In daily verbal communication, there are many            ways one must observe in order to maintain smooth cross-cultural interaction. (routine/unconventional)

48.[主观填空题]The American _______ is to conduct business in an efficient manner, while compromises may be part of the outcome.   (norm/name)

49.[主观填空题]Edward Hall alerts us to the invisible aspects of culture and nonverbal communication, which he calls as “          language” and “hidden dimension”. (silent/foreign)

50.[主观填空题]To develop ____________means being able to see things from the point of view of others so that we can better know and adjust to the other people. (sympathy/empathy)

51.[主观填空题]In daily verbal communication, there are many _____ ways one must observe in order to maintain smooth cross-cultural interaction. (routine/unconventional)

52.[主观填空题]Understanding and appreciation of differences among cultures in cognitive processing and problem solving is a major step toward successful         communication. (intercultural/interpersonal)

53.[主观填空题]Since the East and the West have different perceptions of cosmic patterns, they have different approaches to ________.(knowledge/experience)

54.[主观填空题]Intercultural communication occurs whenever there is communication between people from different cultural _____________. (background/shock)

55.[主观填空题]The purpose of the greeting is to ______ social contact, not to transfer information. (establish/break)

56.[问答题]In 1987, a delegation consisting of four Chinese English experts went to Pingyong Foreign Language University to train faculty to be top-level simultaneous interpreters for the 13th International Youth Festival. Of the four experts, two were men and two were women. The two men were dressed in suits with ties and the two women were typically dressed in trousers and their typical business clothes. An authority from Pingyong ForeignLanguage University and two Korean interpreters greeted them at the Pingyong Railway Station. Surprisingly, while exchanging a few formal remarks, the two interpreters` eyes consistently observed the two Chinese female teachers’ trousers. The younger teacher, sensed something and repeatedly checked their trousers and shoes to see if they were dirty or marked. About half an hour later, they arrived at the hotel where they would be staying during their mission. The two interpreters showed each of them to their rooms to give them an opportunity to freshen up before the formal introductions. In a couple of minutes, the four Chinese teachers gathered in one of the rooms, where the head of the university and the two interpreters introduced themselves further and briefed them on the training program. While talking, the two interpreters seemed to continue to study the two female teachers` trousers. At first, they thought that the Korean interpreters were too embarrassed to look straight in the eyes of a woman. Later this assumption was proved wrong. The four Chinese teachers remained a bit puzzled and did not know what was going on…
Questions: Why did the two Korean interpreters continue to study the Chinese female teachers’ trousers?

57.[问答题]Greeting Rituals
Why didn’t Dianna tell Lily the prices of her dress and shoes? Why did Dianna leave in a hurry?What should Lily do in greeting and interacting with her business partner?
       On her first business trip toBritain, Lily fromChinamet her British counterpart, Dianna:
      Lily: Hello, my name is Lily.
      Dianna: I’m Dianna.
      Lily: I really like your dress. How much did it cost?
      Dianna: Well, uh, I, I don’t remember for sure.
      Lily: Your shoes are nice too. They look expensive. How much did they cost?
      Dianna: I must be going now. See you later.
      Lily: Oh, where are you going?
      Dianna: Oh, sorry (hurriedly leaves).
Questions: Why didn’t Dianna tell Lily the prices of her dress and shoes? Why did Dianna leave in a hurry?What should Lily do in greeting and interacting with her business partner?

After graduating from Beijing International Studies University, Chen Liang pursued an MA program at a university in Boston, the U.S. Early in the program, he made friends with some of the American friends, Jack, asked Chen to join him in the university cafeteria. On their way they ran into Jack's girlfriend, Lisa, who was on her way to a lecture. Walking shoulder to shoulder, Jack and Lisa carried on an intimate conversation, as if they hadn't seen each other for ages. Meanwhile, Chen Liang was walking behind them, not taking part in the conversation. When they were nearing the cafeteria Lisa said she had to leave for the lecture. Jack turned away and walked off toward the cafeteria. When Jack looked up, he saw Chen waking into the cafeteria. Jack was puzzled as to why Chen didn't wait for him, and went to the cafeteria alone.

Question for discussion:
Could you explain to Jack why Chen Liang walked into the cafeteria without waiting for him?

59.[问答题]<p style=";line-height:150%">
<p style="text-indent:16px;line-height:150%"><span style="font-size: 16px;line-height: 150%;font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif">Katherine came to Beijing in 1998 and found a job as an English teacher in a foreign language institute. Soon after her classes began, she found that her students showed no interest in her teaching style. Quite a few of them avoided attending her class. She was feeling quite upset and discouraged so she decided to ask the Director, Prof. Wang reviewed his timetable and suggested they meet at ten o’ clock on Thursday morning. When Thursday came, Katherine arrived at Prof. Wang’s office at the exactly ten o’clock finding him talking with another teacher in Chinese. Seeing that she had come, Prof. Wang smiled and gestured her to sit down. Katherine sat down and the professor excused himself and continued to talk with the other teacher. After five minutes, he finished his conversation, and apologized to Katherine, and began to focus his attention on her situation. Prof. Wang showed great concern and asked her what the problem was. Just as she was discussing her problem, another Chinese teacher interrupted, with a form that required the Director` s signature. The Director smiled, apologized to Katherine again, and turned to talk with the Chinese teacher in Chinese. Katherine became impatient, and wondered why their discussion should be interrupted since she had made an appointment. Also, she was upset and frustrated that they continued to speak Chinese in front of her. Although their talk continued, she was apparently unhappy about what had happened. </span>
<p style="text-indent:16px;line-height:150%"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 16px;line-height: 150%;font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif">Questions: How would you explain the Director’s behavior toward Katherine? How would you make the Director understand why Katherine felt frustrated and angry?</span></em></strong>

60.[问答题]My mother is ill
      In a police office in Hong Kong, a Chinese policeman (A) came up to his British superior (B).
      A: Sir.
      B: Yes, what is it?
      A: My mother is not very well, sir.
      B: So?
      A: She has to go into hospital, sir.
      B: Well, get on with it. What do you want?
      A: On Thursday, sir.
      B: Bloody hell, man. What do you want?
      A: Nothing, sir.
Questions: Can you guess why the policeman went to his superior’s office? What caused the misunderstanding? What should the Chinese policeman say to get what he wanted?

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