奥鹏作业答案 发表于 2020-4-12 09:45:07

0850《 《高级听力》》西南大学20春在线作业

0850 《高级听力》
1.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="9Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424614413026963.mp3">9Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
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9. What does the man suggest the woman do?

    A.A. Try very hard to support her boss.
    B.B. Tell her boss her feeling about him.
    C.D. Thank her boss for being more supportive.
    D.C. Stand the test and she'll like the job.
2.[单选题]<span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>4.</strong></span>
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C, 8.1clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488622333324028626.mp3">P1C, 8.1clip.mp3</a>
<span style="font-size: 20px;"></span>
    A.To find out women"s habits of holding their shopping packages.
    B.To find out how many women let their babies hear heartbeats and why.
    C.To find out differences between left-handed and right-handed mothers.
    D.To find out which side women prefer to hold their babies and why.
3.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="8Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428916105001277.mp3">8Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
8. What does the man try to tell the woman?

    A.A. It's too bad that she has lost her job.
    B.D. It's good that she can treat the situation so positively.
    C.C. It's good that she can move on to a new job.
    D.B. It's too bad that she doesn't like her job.
4.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="10Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474429122532040899.mp3">10Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
10. Why did Tom give up his job?

    A.C. He has heard something shocking.
    B.D. He has to spend more time studying.
    C.B. He has an excellent place to go to.
    D.A. He has many other better choices.
5.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="2Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428478097064381.mp3">2Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
2. What do we know about Jane&#39;s boyfriend?

    A.D. He has changed Jane's life.
    B.A. He has good looks.
    C.B. He is a happy person.
    D.C. He is a bright person.
6.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="4Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474423928714028560.mp3">4Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
4. What does the woman do?

    A.A. A. She is a researcher.
    B.C. She is a student.
    C.D. She is an experienced worker.
    D.B. She is a young teacher.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C,5.1_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488622801489085884.mp3">P1C,5.1_clip.mp3</a>
<p style="line-height: 16px;">

    A.Because they want to find a place with the drinking age at 18.
    B.Because they want to find a place with less strict drinking laws.
    C.Because they want to find a bar with no drinking laws.
    D.Because they want to find a bar with strong alcohol.
8.[单选题]<span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>3.</strong></span>
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C, 8.1clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488620877237043979.mp3">P1C, 8.1clip.mp3</a>

    A.Becoming more confident.
    B.Crying more.
    C.Growing faster.
    D.Smiling more.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C,5.1_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488622928400089329.mp3">P1C,5.1_clip.mp3</a>
    A.F.Enter bars.
    B.Drink alcohol.
    C.Get married.
    D.Buy guns.
10.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="4Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428627697079616.mp3">4Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

    A.C. Father and daughter.
    B.D. Teacher and student.
    C.B. Doctor and patient.
    D.A. Coach and athlete.
11.[单选题]<span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>6.      </strong></span>
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2C, 8.2clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488621452459035835.mp3">P2C, 8.2clip.mp3</a>
<span style="font-size: 20px;"></span>
    A.D.The language is simple in its writing system.
    B.The language doesn't have verb tense.
    C.The language doesn't have four tones.
    D.The language is similar to one's mother tongue.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip3.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617324710084362.mp3">新增音频_clip3.mp3</a>

    A.Spend more time studying.
    B.Forget about studying.
    C.Learn special techniques from books.
    D.Take a class about study skills.
13.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p1Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432065334010094.mp3">p1Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
2. What is the purpose of DogTV?      

    A.A. To conduct a research on dogs.
    B.C. To keep dogs stimulated and relaxed.
    C.B. To teach dogs to learn their ABCs.
    D.D. To attract the attention of both dogs and kids.
14.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="1Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474427873812054086.mp3">1Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>

1. What does the man think about having friends?

    A.C. It is not really necessary.
    B.A. It doesn't seem too bad.
    C.D. It makes one have many fun activities.
    D.B. It makes one feel good.
15.[单选题]<strong><span style="font-size: 20px;">7.   </span></strong><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2C, 8.2clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488621618153042360.mp3">P2C, 8.2clip.mp3</a>

    A.Because English has simple grammatical rules.
    B.Because English has a small vocabulary.
    C.Because English has an easy writing system.
    D.Because English has a clear spelling system.
16.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="10Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424732687034067.mp3">10Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
10. What will the man probably do next?

    A.A. Get the book online.
    B.C. Run to all the bookstores in town.
    C.B. Try harder to find the book.
    D.D. Ask his grandma to describe the book.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip4.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617699392034393.mp3">新增音频_clip4.mp3</a>

    A.It"s too old.
    B.It"s not close.
    C.It"s too expensive.
    D.It"s not nice.
18.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="3Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428557502002432.mp3">3Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
3. What does the man mean?

    A.B. The woman doesn't know what she is talking about.
    B.C. The woman shouldn't worry too much about her future.
    C.D. The woman shouldn't feel so confident about her dreams.
    D.A. The woman doesn't know much about engineering.
19.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p2Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432809839006785.mp3">p2Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
8. What is the main idea of the passage?   

    A.C. Why men are more likely to get cancer.
    B.D. Why men are more likely to get heart disease.
    C.B. Why women know better than men.
    D.A. Why women live longer than men.
20.[单选题]Passage One <img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C, 8.1clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488620323793026532.mp3">P1C, 8.1clip.mp3</a>
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

    A.Most of them hold their babies on the right.
    B.Right-handed women tend to hold the babies on the right.
    C.Left-handed women tend to hold the babies on the right.
    D.Most of them hold their babies on the left.
21.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="7Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428856747092503.mp3">7Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
7. What are the man and woman probably going to do?   

    A.D. Go out to enjoy the sunshine.
    B.C. Finish their cleaning work.
    C.B. Read books in the sun.
    D.A. Spend time cooking.
22.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474430856947081064.mp3">P1,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
3. What does the speaker say about the people who waited for his failure?

    A.E.A. They were concerned about him.
    B.C. They found it easy to prove him wrong.
    C.D. Their words stimulated him to work even harder.
    D.B. Their words drove him mad every single day.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip8.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617848173056258.mp3">新增音频_clip8.mp3</a>

    A.The picnic has been canceled.
    B.The woman should go to school first.
    C.The weather will probably be cool.
    D.Casual clothes will be appropriate.
24.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="11Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474429727895099965.mp3">11Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
11. What did the housewife do in the emergency?      

    A.A. She remained calm and called for help.
    B.B. She managed to control the fire by herself.
    C.D. She asked her neighbor to call the fire department.
    D.C. She was scared and burned down the house.
25.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474431600528008500.mp3">P2,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
7. Which dream means that you are not sure what you want out of life?

    A.A. You dream of knocking on a door with no answer.
    B.D. You dream of standing on a road that vanishes in a mist.
    C.C. You dream of finding someone making you feel uneasy.
    D.B. You dream of being followed closely by someone.
26.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="9Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474429037485037686.mp3">9Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
9. What can we learn about Angela?   
   Q 761 296 021

    A.D. She feels sad about her dog's death.
    B.C. She has lost some weight recently.
    C.A. She feels sad about her health.
    D.B. She has stopped eating junk food.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip5.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617726767042694.mp3">新增音频_clip5.mp3</a>

    A.She thought his lecture was really great.
    B.She thought his lecture told her something new.
    C.She left his lecture before it was over.
    D.She didn"t really like his lecture.
28.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="2Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474423677412096634.mp3">2Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
2. What doesn&#39;t the woman have much time for?

    A.B. Regular exercise.
    B.A. Her study.
    C.C. Office work.
    D.D. Fun activities.
29.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="6Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428796206043869.mp3">6Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
6. What is the main purpose for the woman to walk to work every day?   

    A.B. To protect the environment.
    B.A. To get a lot more exercise.
    C.C. To keep fit by walking a long way.
    D.D. To encourage others to reduce pollution.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip7.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617783897069083.mp3">新增音频_clip7.mp3</a>

    A.Ask Jerry how to become an engineer.
    B.Ask Jerry to apply for the job.
    C.Ask Jerry to give him a chance.
    D.Ask Jerry about the possibility of success.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474430013171084886.mp3">P1,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
<strong>Part 2 </strong>
<em>Directions: In this section, you&#39;ll hear some short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. </em>
<strong>Passage One</strong>
<em>Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard. </em>
</em>1. According to the speaker, what is the best way to get what you want?

    A.?C. Imagination.
    B.D. Determination.
    C.A. Hard work.
    D.B. Firm belief.
32.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p1Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432314821074865.mp3">p1Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
4. What does Dr. Wilson, the animal doctor, think of DogTV?   

    A.B. He is opposed to the DogTV programs.
    B.A. It can give dogs plenty of exercise.
    C.C. It can give dogs an interesting environment.
    D.D. He is doubtful whether it can make dogs feel better.
33.[单选题]Passage One
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C,5.1_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488622677799082992.mp3">P1C,5.1_clip.mp3</a>
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.
34.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p2Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432707536018958.mp3">p2Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>

7. What does Dr. Thompson think of men having higher rates of diseases than women?

    A.B. It's unavoidable as it is a fact of life that nobody can change.
    B.A. It's preventable if men treat cancer in a different way.
    C.D. It's unavoidable as men and women have biological differences.
    D.C. It's preventable as long as men make some lifestyle changes.
35.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474431206041066137.mp3">P2,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
6.What may be the meaning if you have missed a train in your dream?

    A.D. You miss meeting somebody who is important.
    B.B. You feel bad because nobody notices you.
    C.C. You worry that life is going quickly past you.
    D.A. You are afraid of arriving at a place late.
36.[单选题]Passage Two <img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2C, 8.2clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488621232929004981.mp3">P2C, 8.2clip.mp3</a>
<span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Questions 5 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard.
5.    </strong></span>
    A.Every language has both easy and hard aspects.
    B.English is the easiest language in the world.
    C.Every language seems easy to its native speakers.
    D.Chinese is the hardest language to learn.
37.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p1Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474431914635055771.mp3">p1Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
<em>Directions: In this section, you&#39;ll hear some short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. </em>

<strong>Passage One</strong>
<em>Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard. </em>
A. It is a TV program for training dogs.
1. What is DogTV?

    A.D. It is a TV program for educating dog owners.
    B.B. It is a cable network channel for kids.
    C.A. It is a TV program for training dogs.
    D.C. It is a cable network channel for dogs.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip2.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617265933058157.mp3">新增音频_clip2.mp3</a>

    A.She is an unpleasant woman.
    B.She has a very difficult time.
    C.She is easy to get along with.
    D.She enjoys being with Cathy.
39.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474431726261087272.mp3">P2,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
8. What does the speaker try to tell us?

    A.B. Dreams are simple to explain with reasoning.
    B.A. Dreams are easy to recall the next morning.
    C.C. Dreams make sense if you read books about them.
    D.D. Dreams bring our desires and problems to our attention.
40.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="6Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424135609072651.mp3">6Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
6. What does the woman suggest the man do?

    A.B. Give an extra key to his neighbor.
    B.A. Read in his neighbor's apartment.
    C.D. Stay in his neighbor's house.
    D.C. Ask his roommate to come back now.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip1.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617228951002423.mp3">新增音频_clip1.mp3</a>

    A.Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great leader.
    B.Martin Luther King, Jr. was sent to jail.
    C.Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great speaker.
    D.Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great writer.
42.[单选题]<span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>8.   </strong></span><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2C, 8.2clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488621759542082564.mp3">P2C, 8.2clip.mp3</a>
<span style="font-size: 20px;"></span>
    A.No language is difficult to learn.
    B.Language has a complex system.
    C.Language equals to culture.
    D.No language is easy to master.
43.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p2Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432434769008748.mp3">p2Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
<strong>Passage Two</strong>
<em>Questions </em><em>5 to 8 </em><em>are based on the passage you have just heard. </em>
5. In which aspect are men doing better than women in England?

    A.D. Limiting their use of alcohol.
    B.B. Doing physical activity.
    C.C. Gaining health knowledge.
    D.A. Having a healthy diet.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="新增音频_clip6.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488617752365019276.mp3">新增音频_clip6.mp3</a>

    A.She thinks it is something impossible.
    B.She has never heard of it before.
    C.She will not believe it until she has tried it.
    D.She believes it because it worked on her sister.
45.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474430943296011951.mp3">P1,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
4. What does the speaker think is the most important thing about playing basketball?

    A.D. Bringing wealth to the family.
    B.C. Doing good things for others.
    C.B. Getting excited.
    D.A. Becoming a star.
46.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="5Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428722485035199.mp3">5Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
5. What does the man suggest the woman do?

    A.D. Encourage his son to do something else.
    B.B. Go to see an expert for help.
    C.A. Remove the television.
    D.C. Allow his son two hours for watching TV.
47.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="5Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424070279005971.mp3">5Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
5. What is the woman going to do?

    A.D. To try out a new school canteen.
    B.B. To meet her Chinese friends.
    C.A. To have lunch with the man.
    D.C. To attend her language lesson.
48.[单选题]<span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>2.</strong></span>
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C, 8.1clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488620490943061498.mp3">P1C, 8.1clip.mp3</a>

    A.Dental patients always hold objects on their left side.
    B.People prefer to hold something in times of stress.
    C.Dental patients mostly hold the ball on their right side.
    D.People hold an object on the left side when under stress.
49.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="8Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424372623048133.mp3">8Amp3_clip.mp3</a>

8. What does the woman say about the physics class?

    A.C. It is easier than people thought.
    B.D. It is very hard to pass the exam.
    C.A. The teacher is really strict.
    D.B. The teacher likes his students.
50.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p1Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432178418021279.mp3">p1Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
3. When should DogTV be turned on?

    A.D. When dogs are left at home alone for the day.
    B.B. When dog owners find their dogs unhappy.
    C.C. When dog owners want to relax themselves.
    D.A. When dogs get into troubles.
<p style="line-height: 16px;"><strong>4.   </strong><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1C,5.1_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488623045854096677.mp3">P1C,5.1_clip.mp3</a>

    A.He wants to know who they are.
    B.He wants to know how old they are.
    C.He wants to know where they come from.
    D.He wants to know whether they are legal citizens.
52.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="3Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474423818280023617.mp3">3Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
3. What does the man mean?

    A.D. He likes people with nice clothes.
    B.C. He likes to make people laugh.
    C.B. He likes to tell people jokes.
    D.A. He likes humorous people.
53.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="12Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424907250017170.mp3">12Amp3_clip.mp3</a>

12. Why did the woman walk out of the restaurant suddenly?

    A.B.B. Because she had been waiting for her meal for two hours.
    B.C. Because she thought she had spent too much time in the restaurant.
    C.D. Because she realized she had to meet someone from her home country.
    D.A. Because she had finished her meal 15 minutes ago.
54.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="7Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424292355061243.mp3">7Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
7.Why did the man feel very bad?

    A.C.B. He missed his brother very much.
    B.A. He failed to be at the wedding.
    C.C. He disliked the wedding ceremony.
    D.D. He regretted not taking the subway.
55.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="11Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424827767060318.mp3">11Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
11.What suggestion does the man give to the woman?

    A.B. Get energy from study.
    B.A. Join him in running.
    C.C. Spend more time studying.
    D.D. Stay up a bit late into night.
56.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="1Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474423529973020841.mp3">1Amp3_clip.mp3</a>

1. What does the woman say?

    A.C. The man should stay home and study.
    B.D. The man should make a decision based on his scores.
    C.A. The man should go skiing.
    D.B. The man should think carefully.
57.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P2,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474431107984012312.mp3">P2,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>
<strong>Passage Two</strong>
<em>Questions </em><em>5 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard.
5. Which of the following is suggested to help you remember your dreams?   


    A.B. Getting up very early in the morning every day.
    B.C. Telling yourself what you will dream before sleep.
    C.A. Trying to recall your dreams once you wake up.
    D.D. Opening your eyes immediately when you wake up.
58.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="p2Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474432574506035655.mp3">p2Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>

6. According to the passage, about how many men died of cancer in the UK in 2008?   

    A.D. 156,000.
    B.C. 150,000.
    C.B. 75,000.
    D.A. 81,000.
59.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="P1,Amp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474430302695027930.mp3">P1,Amp3_clip.mp3</a>

2. What did the speaker dream about when he grew up?   

    A.D. He wanted to be proud of his brothers and sisters.
    B.B. He wanted his family to get what they wanted.
    C.A. He wanted to become a famous person.
    D.C. He wanted to be respected for the right reasons.
60.[单选题]<p style="line-height: 16px;"><img style="margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle;" src="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif"/><a style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); font-size: 12px;" title="12Bmp3_clip.mp3" href="http://zuoye.eduwest.com/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474429849607038434.mp3">12Bmp3_clip.mp3</a>
12.What does the man prefer to do this summer?

    A.C. Assist Prof. Brown.
    B.D. Travel the whole summer.
    C.A. Find a good job.
    D.B. Make a plan later.
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