20春《高级写作》作业_11.[问答题]Write a short artical which should be based on the OUTLINE below : As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.
2.[问答题] Write, in the name of the office of the General Manager, a memo to the Sec. Head about a trip the GM will take to some factories. The GM would like to speak to all members of the Production Dept.Please inform each factory and them to cancel all other appointment.
1.[问答题] 5. In our modern society, internet brings in tremendous advantages and disadvantages to our work and life. Please write a composition in terms its advantages or disvantages to our work and life in about 300 words.
2.[问答题] Write an artical to discuss : What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?
1.[问答题] You are required to write a short paragraph by using at least ten of the following fifteen words. It should be unified and coherent. erudite, recognize, giggle, humble, hassle, aboriginal, momentous, wither, languish, appalling, loose, concur, plague, however, similarly.
2.[问答题] Cars play an important role in modern society. But they are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. Write an essay of about 200 words on car and air pollution.
1.[问答题] 2. Different people have different manners, bad or good. People with bad manners are after found disgusting. Please write a composition of about 300 words entitled “Manners are important”.
2.[问答题] some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the governmentshould give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.
正确答案:Though it is a common notion that itis impossible for women to be effective in both work and at home, I beg todiffer with this thought. Studies have proven, that more and more mothers arebalancing the work place pressure and home care at the same time. Though it ishighly demanding, woman cherish pursuing their ambition and they feel moreempowered in both spheres of life. To explain this further let me cite apersonal example. My mother who worked as a school teacher was very caring andtender with us at home too. She would take care of all our needs in spite ofthe demands of work. We just saw her becoming very good at managing her timeand effectively catering to all our demands. It in fact helped us along the wayas she understood the current trend in school and was modern in her outlook.She was open for change and believed in open conversation which I feel now is adirect advantage of her going to work. Her being at work made us understand ourresponsibilities and we appreciated the effort she was putting in at home. Nowadays, with more and more womanjoining workplace, I have found that they have become better in managing bothhome and work. Government giving salary to motherswho stay at home to take care of children is an unhealthy suggestion. This willundermine the woman workforce rather than encouraging them to pursue theirdreams. In fact there should be more discussion towards child care and supportsystems which will enhance the effectiveness of working mom’s. This will go along way in promoting woman in workplace.
参考答案二The issue whether 'married women should work or should stay at home to care their children' is always a disputable issue. Strong arguments are present from both the sides and let us discuss in a detailed way.
Firstly, married women should work to get financial independence and her income helps the family too. Nowadays, expenses are increasing day by day and this extra income definitely helps the family to overcome the expenses. I observed that the families who are having two salaries always can afford the better education for their children can have a better lifestyle, and can plan better savings. Everybody is aware that currently many women got a good education and gained skills which are required for the industry. So married women should go the work and utilise their skill which helps to the Society.
There is always an opposite side of a coin. Married women have more responsibility for their children. Children are connected more to their mothers, so mothers should take care of children. Mothers should teach children about society, need of education. If married women become busy with the work, children future will become uncertain. I observed some children are grown in a systematic way who are taken care by a mother.
In Conclusion, I prefer married women should work as well as concentrate on children career. They should balance their work and personal life. Male too needs to help women in children's care.