网院作业 发表于 2020-5-28 13:25:26


西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别: 网教 (网教/成教)       专业:英语教育、应用英语   
课程名称【编号】:《英语语法》【0845】               A卷
大作业                                          满分:100 分

I.单项选择题 (本大题共20小题,每小题4.0分,共80.0分)
1.        ________, Malcolm X would not have been able to join the world community of thoughts and actions.
        A. If he didn't study English very hard through self-learning
        B. Were he to study English very hard through self-learning
        C. Had he didn't study English very hard through self-learning
        D. Hadn't he studied English very hard through self-learning
2.        A pen is to a writer __________ a gun is to a fighter.
        A. as
        B. what
        C. that
        D. like
3.        Malcolm X would rather be fully occupied with copying a dictionary and reading aloud __________ the time away in prison.
        A. more than to idle
        B. than idle
        C. rather than to idle
        D. more than idling
4.        ________ the scandal among his colleagues, Mr. Williams would have been promoted to the position as director.
        A. If he did not spread
        B. Had he not spread
        C. Did he not spread
        D. Should he not spread
5.        The science of computer, __________ rapid progress has been made in recent years, is the most important in all the science.
        A. to which
        B. in which
        C. off which
        D. from which
6.        This is a small house less than 80 square meters, under __________ roof lives a large family of three generations.
        A. which
        B. that
        C. its
        D. whose
7.        Michael Phelps, __________ the feet are bigger than others, won eight gold medals at the National games.
        A. whose
        B. whom
        C. of who
        D. of whom
8.        Many Americans live on credit cards, and their quality of life ___________, not how much they can earn.
        A. is measured by how much can they loan
        B. is measured by how much they can loan
        C. is measured by how they can loan
        D. is measured by how can they loan
9.        Whatever I say or whatever I do was viewed through the politics of race, faith, and original nationality, so __________.
        A. my setbacks are
        B. my setback were
        C. were my setbacks
        D. are my setbacks
10.        People in the community hope all the measures against air pollution, ________ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.
        A. while
        B. since
        C. that
        D. as
11.        It was a worthwhile attempt ________ it failed to achieve its purpose that we had hoped for.
        A. in the end
        B. now that
        C. all at once
        D. even though
12.        For years, scientists have debated the ________ dangers of building another nuclear plant after the terrible accident.
        A. available
        B. potential
        C. fascinating
        D. genuine
13.        He makes his students ________ knowledge through various kinds of interesting activities.
        A. study
        B. learn
        C. achieve
        D. acquire
14.        We teachers do not consider it wise to ________ our students with all sorts of exams, tests and quizzes.
        A. load
        B. annoy
        C. sample
D. explore
15.        I'll be happy to help you, ________ you won't take up too much of my time.
        A. as well as
        B. as long as
        C. as far as
        D. as soon as
16.        This kind of exercise will ________ your creativity, renew your energy, and unlock your potential.
        A. bind
        B. yield
        C. embrace
        D. stimulate
17.        Don't take someone you get to know from the Internet to your house no matter how ________ he sounds.
        A. bold
        B. genuine
        C. flexible
        D. available
18.        Smart phones – with cameras and color screens – can ________ images and data using wireless network technology.
        A. evolve
        B. depart
        C. transmit
        D. assure
19.        The university decided to increase the ________ of the lecture hall, which has only 200 seats.
        A. ability
        B. capacity
        C. facility
        D. faculty
20.        Having practiced so many times, I feel very ________ of my ability to deliver the presentation successfully.
        A. confident
        B. enthusiastic
        C. incredible
        D. satisfied
II.填空题: 用do或make的适当形式填空。 (本大题共5小题,每小题4.0分,共20.0分)
1. Remember that the limited facilities in your dorm only allow you to (1) some basic cooking like heating your milk but not to make a big meal.2. If the experiment won't produce the results we expected, we will continue to (2) the experiment to test how the metal reacts with water under different temperatures.

3. It is her responsibility to (3) business appointments for her boss, and she also makes sure he keeps his appointments.4. If you devote more time to (4) the right decisions and if you follow our advice, we guarantee you will reap the rewards of your efforts.5. Cathy had promised to (5) a call to her sister as soon as she got home, but she finally decided to take a bath first.

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