网院作业 发表于 2020-6-1 13:04:39


西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别: 网教                                     2020年5月
课程名称【编号】:《高级听力》【0850】               A卷
大作业                                       满分:100 分

Part 1 (12小题,每题5分,共60 Points)
Directions: In this section, you will hear some short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which the best answer is.
        A. She has never heard of it before.
        B. She thinks it is something impossible.
        C. She will not believe it until she has tried it.
        D. She believes it because it worked on her sister.
        A. To get a lot more exercise.
        B. To protect the environment.
        C. To keep fit by walking a long way.
        D. To encourage others to reduce pollution.
        A. Spend time cooking.
        B. Read books in the sun.
        C. Finish their cleaning work.
        D. Go out to enjoy the sunshine.
        A. It's too bad that she has lost her job.
        B. It's too bad that she doesn't like her job.
        C. It's good that she can move on to a new job.
        D. It's good that she can treat the situation so positively.
        A. She feels sad about her health.
        B. She has stopped eating junk food.
        C. She has lost some weight recently.
        D. She feels sad about her dog's death.
        A. He has many other better choices.
        B. He has an excellent place to go to.
        C. He has heard something shocking.
        D. He has to spend more time studying.
        A. She remained calm and called for help.
        B. She managed to control the fire by herself.
        C. She was scared and burned down the house.
        D. She asked her neighbor to call the fire department.
        A. Find a good job.
        B. Make a plan later.
        C. Assist Prof. Brown.
        D. Travel the whole summer.
        A. Ask Jerry to apply for the job.
        B. Ask Jerry to give him a chance.
        C. Ask Jerry how to become an engineer.
        D. Ask Jerry about the possibility of success.
        A. The picnic has been canceled.
        B. Casual clothes will be appropriate.
        C. The weather will probably be cool.
        D. The woman should go to school first.
A. Join him in running.
B. Get energy from study.
C. Spend more time studying.
D. Stay up a bit late into night.
A. Because she had finished her meal 15 minutes ago.
B. Because she had been waiting for her meal for two hours.
C. Because she thought she had spent too much time in the restaurant.
D. Because she realized she had to meet someone from her home country.
Part 2        (8 小题,每题5分,共40 Points)
Directions: In this section, you'll hear some short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.
Passage One
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1.       
        A. Most of them hold their babies on the left.
        B. Most of them hold their babies on the right.
        C. Left-handed women tend to hold the babies on the right.
        D. Right-handed women tend to hold the babies on the right.
        A. People prefer to hold something in times of stress.
        B. Dental patients always hold objects on their left side.
        C. Dental patients mostly hold the ball on their right side.
        D. People hold an object on the left side when under stress.
        A. Crying more.
        B. Smiling more.
        C. Growing faster.
        D. Becoming more confident.
        A. To find out women's habits of holding their shopping packages.
        B. To find out which side women prefer to hold their babies and why.
        C. To find out differences between left-handed and right-handed mothers.
        D. To find out how many women let their babies hear heartbeats and why.Passage Two
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard. 5.       
        A. Chinese is the hardest language to learn.
        B. English is the easiest language in the world.
        C. Every language has both easy and hard aspects.
        D. Every language seems easy to its native speakers.
        A. The language doesn't have four tones.
        B. The language doesn't have verb tense.
        C. The language is simple in its writing system.
        D. The language is similar to one's mother tongue.
        A. Because English has simple grammatical rules.
        B. Because English has an easy writing system.
        C. Because English has a clear spelling system.
        D. Because English has a small vocabulary.
        A. Language equals to culture.
        B. No language is easy to master.
        C. Language has a complex system.
        D. No language is difficult to learn.无忧答案网,附件是答案,核对题目下载q7 6 1296021
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