aopeng 发表于 2020-12-3 13:27:14


课程名称【编号】: 高级英语一 【0848】                  A卷
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分
Exercise 1                E-C Translation (1x30=30)
Choose any one of the following passages and then translate it into Chinese.
Passage 1 (From Unit 4)
In addition, there are a certain number of don’ts to be observed, sensible strictures that are too frequently violated.
1. Don’t digress or change the subject if the conversation is going well.
2. Don’t pry into another person’s private life, and don’t ask questions that are too intimately personal.
3. Don’t indulge in malicious gossip.
4. Don’t speak about confidential matters if you really expect them not to be repeated to others.
5. Don’t just chatter or repeatedly embellish your speech needlessly with social noises such as “you know,” “I mean”, and “as a matter of fact.”
6. Don’t say “Look” when you mean “Please listen.”Passage 2 (From Unit 9)
Words are signs. They have meanings, not one but many. These meanings are related in various ways. Sometimes they shade from one into anther, sometimes one word will have two or more sets of totally unrelated meanings. Through their meanings words are related to one another ― as synonyms sharing in the same meaning even though they differ in its shading; or as antonyms through opposition or contrast of meanings. Furthermore, it is in their capacity as signs that we distinguish words as proper or common names (according as they name just one thing or many which are alike in some respect); and as concrete or abstract names (according as they point to some thing which we can sense, or refer to some aspect of things which we can understand by thought but not observe through our senses).Passage 3 (From Unit 15)
The race will intensify year by year — with far-reaching impacts on society. Who “owns” the bottom of the ocean and the marine life that covers it? As ocean mining becomes feasible and economically advantageous, we can expect the resource balance among nations to shift. The Japanese already extract 10,000,000 tons of coal each year from underwater mines; tin is already being ocean-mined by Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Before long nations may go to war over patches of ocean bottom. We may also find sharp changes in the rate of industrialization of what are now resource-poor nations.Exercise 2                Skimming and Scanning (10x3=30)
In this part, you are required to go over the passage quickly.
For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked ,, and .
For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
l.        According to the passage, visualization works ________.
through delving into concepts and theories        without searching deeply into concepts and theories
in a way that could be proven                                when playing basketball
2.        What were the results of the experiment conducted by Alan Richardson in the first two groups?
They both improved to a similar degree.         Group One was much worse than Group Two.
Group Two remained as they were.                         The results were different in the two groups.
3.        How could the people who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually         practiced?
Because they are very intelligent indeed.       
Because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.
Because they practiced before.        
Because they saw people who had actually practiced.
4.        What probably makes you want to try another different direction when you already have one path made?
You already know this way works and you have a lovely easy path.
There is a meadow of long grass that will cut 20 minutes off your walk.
You know definitely a better way to be explored.
5.        According to the passage, why do people have difficulty snapping negative loops of thinking?
Because trying to think about something new in the brain is more difficult than keeping a built path.
Because having the passive thoughts in the brain is much easier than having the positive thoughts.
Because negative thoughts grow in strength much easily.
Because negative thoughts form an easier connection in the brain.
6.                How is visualization working in the basketball visualizers’ brains?
By playing basketball before visualization.
By thinking days and nights about how to hit.
By fooling them that this practice will turn them into NBA stars.
By cheating their own unconscious into believing they know how to hit.
7.        According to the passage, which of the following will help you turn into an NBA star more quickly?
To think about NBA stars every day.                To watch NBA games every day.
To fool your own unconscious.                                To visualize it and practice.
8.        It’s not advisable visualizing your success and ________ in your head.
9.         When we combine “fake it till you make it” and _________, it can help us succeed quickly.
10.        _________ is not very important for successful people, because it just gets in the way and slows them         down. How to Visualize Your Success
Have you ever heard of visualization (可视化)? Of course you have. Everybody’s heard of visualization and everybody partakes in it whether they realize it or not. How it works though is an altogether different matter. I want to take a closer look today at the mechanics of why visualizing works without necessarily delving into concepts and theories that cannot be proven.
The brain has great difficulty in distinguishing between what’s true and what’s imagined. There is an off-cited (经常被引用的) example of an experiment conducted by Australian Psychologist, Alan Richardson. He took some basketball players and split them into 3 equal groups. One group was told to practice their free throw technique twenty minutes per day. The next group was told to spend twenty minutes per day visualizing, but not attempting free throws, and the final group wasn’t allowed to either practice or visualize. At the end of the test period the group that had done nothing remained as they were, but both the other groups showed similar degrees of improvement. The people who only visualized playing basketball were able to perform almost as well as the ones who had actually practiced.
"How can that be so?"
Firstly, the people practicing would miss some shots. Each time they missed they had in effect, practiced how to miss.
The people that were visualizing would be hitting every basket so they were building up the feelings and memory of how to be successful.
Forging a Path through a Meadow
Imagine walking home from a new job. You suddenly realize that there is a meadow of long grass that will cut 20 minutes off your walk. If you live in New York you’re going to need a great imagination for this one.
The first few times you can barely see which way you had walked the previous day. However, after 10 or 20 times you can clearly see a pathway starting to form, and after 100 times all the grass is worn away and there’s a farmer with a shotgun and large dog waiting for you at the end. Let’s presume our gun-toting friend is a big softie and he allows you to use that route as long as you want. What are the odds that next time you try a slightly different direction? Slim to none would be my guess.
After all, you know this way works and you have a lovely easy path. On the other hand, if Farmer Giles starts taking pot shots at you and sportingly lets the dog try and shoot you too, before releasing it to sink its gnashers into your rear end, then you’ll probably find a new way home once you’re released from hospital.
The next time you’re walking home you opt against reacquainting yourself with Fido and spot another meadow further along the road. The same process then begins to take place only this time the original path   you made has started to grow back.
How We Create a Path in Our Mind
That is what happens when we form thoughts in our mind. The first time we have a new thought it is a weakling (虚弱者) of a thought that has sand kicked in its face by stronger thoughts and beliefs. Each time you re-think it though it grows in strength as the physical pathway becomes more and more well-defined. Not only that, but if it is a belief that contradicts one you already hold, the older belief starts to a trophy and die. This also explains why we have the same thoughts over and over again and why people have difficulty snapping negative loops (循环) of thinking. The pathway has been established and it’s just easier to continue following it than trying to think about something new and form a new connection in the brain.
Making Visualization Work for You
Visualization is an incredibly successful and simple way of speeding up the process by fooling the unconscious into believing that you have already done something before you have. That’s what the basketball visualizers were doing, fooling their own unconscious into thinking they know how to hit basket after basket. Of course this in and of itself will not turn you into an NBA star, you do actually have to practice as well, but it will help you succeed more quickly.
All you need to do to be successful at this is to visualize yourself doing something, as you would like to do it. Profound stuff, huh? Seriously though, that is all there is to it. How long you do it each day will affect the speed of change and it’s really not advisable visualizing your success for 20 minutes per day and then spending 10 hours worrying about failing and replaying negative stuff in your head. It kind of defeats the object.
You can also incorporate the "fake it till you make it "method in with your visualization to help speed up the process. This is simply a matter of pretending you are already proficient at something before you really are. Again, it’s simply away of tricking your unconscious and getting it to do what you want it to do.
Some people have difficulty with this process and tell me it’s being unrealistic. Well yeh, maybe they’re right, but who cares? If you want to be shackled by the chains of realism then go ahead, knock yourself out, but let me tell you this. There are few highly successful people out there that haven’t used this method or visualization at one time or another. In fact, successful people don’t care too much for reality; it just gets in the way and slows them down. What about you? Exercise 3                Writing (1x40=40)
Write a composition of about 200 words on any one of the following topics:Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic
My Views on Reading Extensively
Haste Makes Waste
You are to write in three paragraphs.
        In the first paragraph, state clearly what your view is.
        In the second paragraph, support your view with details.
        In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary or suggestion.
        Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
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