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课程名称【编号】:英语阅读二【0065】                     A卷
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分


I.        语法和词汇填空。(每题2分,10小题,共20分)

1.        This kind of behavior _______ the criminal mind.
A. characterizes               B. characters   
C. features                   D. characteristic

2.        The relics ______ miraculous powers.
A. are credited to            B. are credited for   
C. are credited of            D. are credited with

3.        Exercise ______ the flow of blood.
A. encourages                  B. stimulates   
C. spurs                     D. reduces

4.        He _______ from the storm in a hut.
A. took hostage               B. took away   
C. took leave                   D. took refuge

5.        People under stress _____ express their full range of potential.
A. tend to                      B. inclined to   
C. likely                     D. intend to

6.        The ambassador personally _____the president's message to the premier.
A. showed                     B. told   
C. conveyed                  D. sent

7.        Do you _______an authority on the subject?
A. view him as                B. look upon him as   
C. think him as                D. consider him as

8.        David _______ his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.
A. devoted                  B. contributed   
C. attributed                   D. offered

9.        He is a Russian ______ he was born in Russia.
A. insomuch as               B. in terms as   
C. so much so that               D. insofar as

10.        The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason _______ they have been around a bit longer.
A. why                         B. that
C. since                        D. after

II.        近义词和短语选择。(每题2分,20小题,共40分)

1. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never requited.
A. reconsidered                  B. realized
C. required                      D. rewarded

2. When I left a 20-year-career in the Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all.
A. chances of future success
B. financial support
C. social connections
D. permanent job

3. On the phone was an old acquaintance from the Coast Guard, now stationed in San Francisco.
A. working                     B. found
C. busy                        D. resting

4. He produced the egg from a capacious overalls pocket, letting it lie on the palm of his hand.
A. large                     B. small
C. dirty                     D. round

5. The white eggshell had shattered where the egg had struck.
A. had straightened
B. had flattened
C. had changed color
D. had broken into pieces

6. Pieces of it had flaked away and what shone through was a dull yellow in color.
A. had become thin
B. had become irregular
C. had fallen off
D. had grown hard

7. That incongruous sight was soon eclipsed by one of a gushing fire hydrant and phalanxes of neighbors pushing brooms to wok the water and dirt down the street.
A. glorious                  B. adventurous
C. inharmonious                D. sharp

8. The cleaning was infectious.(    )
A. tiresome                  B. monotonous
C. continuous                D. contagious

9. Surprisingly, she’d slept, though her mind was churning when she went to bed.
A. a total blank
B. agitated
C. confused
D. sharp

10. And there were suites available, if she could stand living in an apartment without a yard or garden.
A. sets of rooms                  B. sets of huts
C. places suitable               D. places needed

11. Other fathers are watching their sons cope with the demons of today.
A. diseases                  B. difficulties
C. poverty                   D. evils

12. The photos are designed to encompass the relationship between father and son.
A. include                  B. show
C. improve                   D. enhance

13.Chinese not only use numbers to appeal for good fortune, they also bring them out to chew people out.
A. praise                        B. speak angrily to
C. amuse                        D. shout at

14. Add to this that people have psychological activity and the ability to link things together in their minds, and a whole set of auspiciousness-attracting and evil-expelling habits took shape.
A. came to be formed               B. disappeared
C. followed                     D. were added

15. We often say “three yang make good fortune” to describe the hope that misfortune will be held at bay and good luck will follow.
A. no longer be something dreadful
B. be changed to something auspicious
C. be of no importance
D. be kept away

16. In the haze I saw two of my trek mates.
A. darkness                   B. light
C. thin mist                   D. heavy smog

17. I quickly washed up, then joined the boiled potato feast.
A. achievement                B. party
C. meal                      D. meeting

18. Curiosity gripped me.
A. surprised                   B. disappointed
C. got rid of                   D. took hold of

19. I held onto the rail with a feeble grip and began to descend the treacherous steps.
A. insecure                  B. tricky
C. complicated               D. wicked

20. On the fourth step down I slipped, fell, and was just barely able, with my right hand, to check my slide.
A. examine                  B. push
C. stop                     D. pull

III.       阅读理解。(每题2分,10小题,共20分)
A mysterious “black cloud” approaches the earth – our planet’s weather is severely affected.
   Throughout the rest of June and July temperatures rose steadily all over the Earth. In the British isles the temperature climbed through the eighties, into the nineties, and moved towards the hundred mark. People complained, but there was no serious disaster.
    The death number in the U. S. remained quite small, thanks largely to the air-conditioning units that had been fitted during previous years and months. Temperatures rose to the limit of human endurance throughout the whole country and people were obliged to remain indoors for weeks on end. Occasionally air-conditioning units failed and it was then that fatalities occurred.
    Conditions were utterly desperate throughout the tropics (热带地区) as may be judged from the fact that 7943 species of plants and animals became totally extinct. The survival of Man himself was only possible because of the caves and cellars (地窖) he was able to dig. Nothing could be done to reduce the hot air temperature. More than seven hundred million persons are known to have lost their lives.
    Eventually the temperature of the surface waters of the sea rose, not so fast as the air temperature it is true, but fast enough to produce a dangerous increase of humidity (湿度). It was indeed this increase that produced the disastrous conditions just remarked. Millions of people between the latitudes of Cairo and the Cape of Good Hope were subjected to a choking atmosphere that grew damper and hotter from day to day. All human movement ceased. There was nothing to be done but to lie breathing quickly as a dog does in hot weather.
   By the fourth week of July conditions in the tropics lay balanced between life and total death. Then quite suddenly rain clouds appeared over the whole globe. The temperature declined a little, due no doubt to the clouds reflecting more of the Sun’s radiation back into space, But conditions could not be said to have improved. Warm rain fell everywhere, even as far north as Iceland. The insect population increased enormously, since the burning hot atmosphere was as favorable to them as it was unfavorable to Man many other animals.

1. In the British Isles the temperature _____.
A. stayed at eighty
B. ranged from eighty to ninety
C. approached one hundred
D. exceeded the hundred mark

2. Few people in the United States lost their lives because _____.
A. the temperature was tolerable
B. people remained indoors for weeks
C. the government had taken effective measures to reduce the hot temperature
D. people were provided with the most comfortable air-conditioners

3. Millions of people in Cairo (开罗) and the Cape of Good Hope (好望角) were subjected to a choking atmosphere because _____.
A. the temperature grew extremely hot
B. the temperature became damper and hotter as the humidity of the surface waters of the sea increased
C. their conditions were too dangerous
D. nothing could be done with the hot temperature

4. By the fourth week of July conditions in the tropics were such that _____.
A. human survival would be impossible
B. more and more people would lose their lives
C. fewer people could be saved
D. survival or death was still undecided

5. The insect population increased due to _____.
A. the hot air
B. the tropical climate
C. the rain clouds
D. the damp atmosphere

Passage 2
Becket not only traveled light, he lived light. In all the world he owned just the clothes he stood up in, a full suitcase and a bank account. Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single night. For long stays, not less than a month, he might take a furnished flat, sometimes even a house. But whatever the length, he rarely needed anything he did not have with him. He was, he liked to think, a self-contained person.
   Becket had one occasional anxiety: the suspicion that he owned more than that would fit comfortably into the case. The feeling, when it came, was the signal for him to throw something away or just leave it lying about. This was the automatic fate of his worn-out clothes for example. Having no use for choice or variety, he kept just a raincoat, a suit, a pair of shoes and a few shirts, socks and so on; no more in the clothing line. He bought and read many books, and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them. They quickly found new owners.
   Becket was a professional traveler, interested and interesting. He liked to get the feeling of a place by living in it, reading its newspapers, watching its TV, discussing its affairs. Though Becket’s health gave him no cause for alarm, he made a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere. “A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone” , he used to say. He never went to see a doctor; he always sent for one; that, he found, was the quickest way to confidences, which came out freely as soon as he mentioned that he was a writer.
   Becket was an artist as well. He painted pictures of his places and, when he had gathered enough information, he wrote about them. He sold his work, through an agent, to newspapers and magazines. It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer, and as Becket never stayed anywhere for long, he enjoyed the satisfying advantage of paying very little in tax.
6.        What do we know about Becket’s possessions?
A. He had enough baggage to stay for one night.
B. He carried all of them around with him.
C. He had thrown or given them away.
D. He left most of his things at home when he travelled.
7.Becket took over a flat when _____.
A. there were no suitable hotels
B. he meant to stay somewhere for several nights
C. he was sure of staying a year or more
D. he expected not to move on for a month at least
8.How did Becket feel about taxation?
A. It worried him,so he kept moving from place to place.
B. He hated it,so he broke the tax laws.
C. He was pleased he could honestly avoid it.
D. He felt ashamed of not paying taxes.
9.If anything worried Becket, it was _____.
A. the thought of having too much baggage
B. his habit of leaving things lying about
C. the fact that he owned so little
D. the poor state of his clothes
10.Becket did not keep books because _____.
A. he had not interest in literature
B. the books he read belonged to other people
C. he had no room in his case for them
D. he preferred to give them to his friends

IV.        写作。(每题10分,2小题,共20分)

1.        What would you do if you went to a strange country and had serious culture shock?

2.        How would you improve your reading ability?

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