作业辅导 发表于 2021-6-1 11:35:07


Section A        (15 小题,每题2分,共30分)
Directions: In section A, you will hear 7 short dialogues between two speakers once only. After you hear a dialogue, choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the following statements.
Questions 1-2 are based on dialogue 1.
1.        Where does the dialogue most probably take place?
A.        In a railway station.B.        In a cleaner’s.C.        In a barber’s shop.
2.        What does the first speaker do?A.        He is a secretary.B.        He is a barber.C.        He is a cleaning man.
Questions 3-4 are based on dialogue 2.
3.        What is the first speaker doing?
A.        Seeing a doctor.
B.        Making an appointment.
C.        Ordering food.
4.        Who is the second speaker?
A.        A medical doctor.
B.        A patient.
C.        Dr. Black’s receptionist.
Questions 5-6 are based on dialogue 3.
5.        The woman has read ________ this year.
A.        many novels
B.        five novels
C.        four novels
6.        The woman read the novel A Man in Havana _____________.
A.        last Tuesday evening
B.        on Tuesday evening
C.        last Thursday eveningQuestions 7-8 are based on dialogue 4.
7.        The woman has smoked _________.
A.        hundreds of cigarettes
B.        thousands of cigarettes
C.        Millions of cigarettes
8.        She has been smoking for ________.
A.        six years
B.        eight years
C.        ten yearsQuestions 9-10 are based on dialogue 5.
9.        Klaus is asking __________.
A.        if there is anything wrong with the washing machine
B.        if the woman is willing to do the washing for him
C.        how to work the machine
10.        The woman tells him __________.
A.        to put in the money first
B.        to put in the soap powder first
C.        to put in the washing firstQuestions 11-12 are based on dialogue 6.
11.        What kind of breakfast will the woman have?
A.        A continental breakfast.
B.        An English breakfast.
C.        A Chinese breakfast.
12.        What kind of fruit juice will the woman have?
A.        Apple juice.
B.        Lemon juice.
C.        Pineapple juice.Questions 13-15 are based on dialogue 7.
13.        What’s wrong with the first speaker?
A.        He’s got a headache.
B.        He’s got flu.
C.        He’s got a running nose.
14.        What is the cause of his problem?
A.        He has cancer.
B.        He has flu.
C.        He has overworked.
15.        What should he do to solve his problem?
A.        Take some medicine.
B.        Have an operation.
C.        Stay in bed for a day or two.Section B        (15 小题,每题2分,共30 分)
Directions: Listen to the recordings twice and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the following statements.Questions 16-20 are bare based on the first recording.
16.        This conversation takes place _________.
        A. in Hotel Scandinavia
        B. in a medium-size restaurant in Finland
        C. in a small restaurant in England
17.        The relationship between the two speakers is _________.
        A. husband and wife
        B. boss and secretary
        C. interviewer and interviewee
18.        The man is ________ of the restaurant.
        A. the Head Waiter
        B. the Manager and Head Waiter
        C. the Manager
19.        The man has asked the woman to come here late in the day because _______.
        A. he wants to see the woman act as a waitress for half an hour or so
        B. he wants to invite her to try the food in the restaurant
        C. the restaurant is short of hands in the evening
20.        The woman is going to have her dinner _______.
        A. at home                B. in Hotel Scandinavia                C. in this restaurantQuestions 21-25 are bare based on the second recording.
21.        What kind of game does the speaker believe football is?
A. Interesting.
B. Stupid and dangerous
C. Exciting.
22.        Why does the speaker believe that football is dangerous?
        A. The spectators often get hurt.
B. Many people get killed in the matches.
C. The footballers often get hurt in the matches.
23.        Which of the following comments will not be used by the speaker to describe people who watch football?
        A. They must be mad.
        B. They are dangerous.
        C. They are gentle and polite.
24.        Why does the speaker stay at home when there is a football match?
        A. The crowds are too dangerous.
B. She wants to read newspaper reports of football matches.
C. She wants to watch the football match on TV.
25.        Why does the speaker think that the footballers are rich and famous?
        A. They are mad.
        B. They can kick a ball around.
        C. They are experts in one special field.Questions 26-30 are based on the third recording.
26. The planet was ___________.
   A. smooth and green                        B. smooth and free                        C. blue and green
27. The plants and animals on the planet _________.
   A. looked fresh
   B. were different from those on the earth
   C. were the same as those on the earth
28. When they returned to their spaceship, __________.
   A. Adam switched on the controls and the engines started
   B. they found the computer was still working
   C. they found neither the controls nor the computer worked
29. Adam was worried because __________.
   A. they couldn’t return to the earth according to their plan
   B. they couldn’t leave the planet immediately
   C. they found no intelligent life on the planet
30. Eve felt better because _________.
   A. she believed they would be rescued
   B. she liked the planet very much
   C. she was sure that she could repair the enginesSection C (10小题,每题2分,共20分)
Directions: Listen to the recordings twice. After you finish, judge whether the statements are True or False.Mark T on your answer sheet if it is True and F if it is False.Questions 31-35 are based on the first recording.
31.        The man assumed there would be a TV set in his room, but there wasn’t.
32.        The hotel installs TV sets free of charge.
33.        The cost for a black-and-white TV is four Finnish marks per day.
34.        The man has to consult his wife before he decides whether to rent a TV.
35.If the man decides to rent a TV, he can call the receptionist.Questions 36-40 are based on the second recording.
36.        Since Mr. Sherwin is very busy, he will talk with Jerry tomorrow.
37.        Jerry’s daughter is too young to look after herself.
38.        Jerry’s parents are too busy to give Jerry a hand.
39.        Jerry’s wife will come out of hospital by next Tuesday.
40.        Mr. Sherwin is a very considerate boss.Section D (10 小题,每题2分,共20分)
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage two times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. And for the second time, you are required to fill in the missing information.(Now listen to the passage.)
Dear Chris,
Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t    1    but writing is difficult   2   . I    3   last week and    4    . It isn’t anything very serious and I’ll be OK in a few weeks.
Your holiday sounds    5   . I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Someone at work went to Jamaica last year and   
   6    . When are you going exactly? I hope you’ll have   7   .
There isn’t really much more news from here. I’ll    8    in a few weeks.    9    and    10    to everyone.

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