黄老师 发表于 2021-10-23 09:09:14


1.[单选题] 我前面那辆车熄火了,我错过了绿灯。( )

    A. The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green light.
    B. The car in front of me stalled and I didn’t miss the green light.
    C. The car ahead stopped me and I missed the green light.
    D. The car ahead stopped me and I didn’t miss the green light.
2.[单选题] I believe that chances are in favor of those who are always ready. ( )
    A. 我相信机会总是赞成准备好的人。
    B. 我相信机会对准备好的人有恩惠。
    C. 我相信机会属于时刻准备着的人。
    D. 我相信机会喜欢那些现成的人。
3.[单选题] 事实上,国际性测试是衡量学校质量的一种好途径。( )
    A. As a matter of fact, international tests are a good way to measure the quality of schools.
    B. As a matter of fact, international tests is a good way to measure the quality of schools.
    C. As a matter of fact, international test is a better way to measure the quality of schools.
    D. As a matter of fact, international tests are a better way to measure the quantity of schools.
4.[单选题] 我们一向都很重视维护良好的客户关系。( )
    A. We always take good relations with our customers seriously.
    B. We have paid great efforts to maintain good relations with our customers.
    C. We have paid attention to establish good relations with our customers.
    D. We always treat our customers with good relations.
5.[单选题] This is for your father to decide rather than for you. ( )
    A. 这是你的决定而不是你父亲的决定。
    B. 这取决于你父亲的决定加上你的决定。
    C. 这件事情得由你父亲决定而不是你来决定。
    D. 这并不是为你而是为你的父亲才这样决定的。
6.[单选题] The educational budget for the coming year is about $5 billion. ( )
    A. 来年一年教育方面的预算约为50亿美元。
    C. 过去一年的教育预算约为50亿美元。
    D. 过去一年的教育预算约为5亿美元。
7.[单选题] 我打算充分利用这次旅行去购物。( )
    A. I intend to take full advantage of this trip to go shopping.
    B. I plan take full advantage of this trip to go shopping.
    C. I intend to take full use of this trip to go shopping.
    D. I plan make full use to this trip to go shopping.
8.[单选题] 我喜欢坐火车而不喜欢乘飞机。( )
    A. I prefer taking a train to going by air.
    B. I’d rather taking a train than go by plane.
    C. I prefer taking a train than going by plane.
    D. I’d rather take a train than going by air.
9.[单选题] I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself. ( )
    A. 我尽力回想到底发生了什么事情,但就是什么也想不起来。
    B. 我尽力回想到底发生了什么事情,但就是没有什么建议。
    C. 我尽力去想可能发生的事情,但就是没有什么建议。
    D. 我尽力去想可能发生了什么样的事情,但就是什么也想不起来。
10.[单选题] I’d like to go to America to do graduate work in medicine. ( )
    A. 我会去美国读医科研究生。
    B. 我想去美国读医科研究生。
    C. 我会在美国毕业从事医学。
    D. 我想在美国毕业从事医学。
11.[单选题] I intend to visit Suzhou before returning to Shanghai. ( )
    A. 我回上海以前不会到苏州去参观。
    B. 我喜欢参观苏州,再回上海。
    C. 我回上海以前打算到苏州去看看。
    D. 我不喜欢参观苏州,再回上海。
12.[单选题] 但愿他不会认为这篇文章与我有关联。( )
    A. I hoped he would not connect me to the article.
    B. I hoped he would not connect me with the article.
    C. I hoped he would not contact me with the article.
    D. I hoped he would not contact me to the article.
13.[单选题] 有效地处理顾客的问题可以使其成为一名更为忠实的顾客。( )
    A. Dealing effective with a customer who has a problem can make him/her into a more loyal customer.
    B. Dealing efficient with a customer who has a problem can make him/her into a more loyal customer.
    C. Dealing effectively with a customer who has a problem can make him/her into a more loyal customer.
    D. Dealing efficiency with a customer who has a problem can make him/her into a more loyal customer.
14.[单选题] 香烟广告有不少是针对妇女的。( )
    A. Many of cigarette advertising is aimed at women.
    B. Much of cigarette advertising is aimed at women.
    C. Much of cigarette advertising is aimed to women.
    D. Many of cigarette advertising is aimed to women.
15.[单选题] 为了满足市场需要,我们计划将产量提高30%。( )
    A. In order to meet the market need, we plan to rise our production by thirty percent.
    B. We plan to increase our production by thirty percent to meet market demand.
    C.We plan to increase our production by thirteen percent to meet market demand.
    D. We plan to increase our production to thirty percent to meet the market demand.
16.[单选题] 看来可供选择的品种很多。( )
    A. It seems there’s a great variety to choose from.
    B. It seems there’s a great variety of choose from.
    C. It looks we provide many kinds to choose.
    D. It looks we provide a large number of kinds to choose.
17.[单选题] If he keeps trying, he will find a satisfactory job sooner or later. ( )
    A. 如果他能试一下,他迟早会找到一份称心如意的工作。
    B. 如果他不断努力,他迟早会找到一份称心如意的工作。
    C. 即使他不断努力,他也不会找到一份称心如意的工作。
    D. 只要他能试一下,他后来会找到一份称心如意的工作。
18.[单选题] Please let me know if I can help you with anything. ( )
    A. 如果我能帮你点什么的话,请尽管让我了解。
    C. 请尽管告诉我,如果我能用任何东西帮你的话。
    D. 如果我能用任何东西帮你的话, 请尽管告诉我。   
19.[单选题] 如果你被抓到早退,就会被开除。( )
    A. If you got caught leaving early, you would fire.
    B. If you got caught leaving early, you would be fired.
    C. If you got caught leave early, you would be fired.
    D. If you got caught to leave early, you would be fired.
20.[单选题] 让我记下你的联系信息,更多地了解你的情况。( )
    A. Let me write your contact information and understand your situation well.
    B. Let me note your contact information and understand your situation well.
    C. Let me keep your contact information and understand your situation well.
    D. Let me take your contact information and understand your situation better.
21.[单选题] I have to turn in my resignation two weeks before my last day. ( )
    A. 我必须提前两周递交辞职书。
    B. 我必须递交辞职书提前两周。
    C. 我必须转变辞职书提前两周。
    D. 我必须提前两周转变辞职书。
22.[单选题] The more you explain, the less I understand. ( )
    A. 你解释得越简单,我才会理解越多。
    B. 你越解释,我越理解。
    C. 你越解释,我越糊涂。
    D. 你解释得越多,我才会理解越多。
23.[单选题] I don’t think the economy in my country will develop very fast in the next ten years. ( )
    A. 我认为我国经济在未来十年不会发展得很快。
    B. 我不认为我国经济在未来十年会发展得很快。
    C. 我认为我国经济在未来十年不会形成得很快。
    D. 我不认为我国经济在未来十年会形成得很快。
24.[单选题] Today, companies hardly ever introduce major new products without conducting market research. ( )
    A. 如今,公司开发主要新产品而不进行市场调研。
    B. 今天,没有进行市场调研的话公司几乎不介绍大量新产品。
    C. 今天,没有进行市场调研公司就会介绍重要新产品。
    D. 如今,公司在开发重要的新产品之前总要先进行市场调研。
25.[单选题] 你应该记住你得付违约金。( )
    A. You should remember you had to compensate for breaking the contract.
    B. You should remember you have to compensate for break the contract.
    C. You should remember you had to compensate for break the contract.
    D. You should remember you have to compensate for breaking the contract.
26.[单选题] They have made their fortunes by doing e-business. ( )
    A. 他们为电子商务大赚了一笔。
    B. 他们靠电子商务创造了幸运。
    C. 他们靠电子商务发了大财。
    D. 他们为电子商务创造了幸运。
27.[单选题] All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.( )
    A. 所有报盘和销售均应遵守本报价单背面所印的条款。
    B. 所有报盘和销售都不遵守本报价单背面所印的条款。
    C. 所有报盘均应遵守本报价单背面所印的条款。
    D. 所有销售均应遵守本报价单背面所印的条款。
28.[单选题] If possible, the service hours should be extended until at least 10 p.m. ( )
    A. 如有可能,服务时间应该扩大到至少早上10点。
    B. 如有可能,营业时间至少应该扩大到晚上10点。
    C. 如有可能,服务时间应该延伸到至少早上10点。
    D. 如有可能,营业时间至少应该延长到晚上10点。
29.[单选题] 这是公司留住员工的唯一方法。( )
    A. This is the only way to keep the employees with the company.
    B. This is the only way to keep the employers with the company.
    C. This is the way to keep the employees with the company.
    D. This is the way to keep the employers with the company.
30.[单选题] 公布国际性测试结果时,我们国家不在前十名。( )
    A. When the results of an international test released, our country wasn’t in the top ten.
    B. When the results of an international test was released, our country wasn’t in the top ten.
    C. When the results of an international test were released, our country wasn’t in the top ten.
    D. When the result of international tests were released, our country wasn’t in the top ten.
31.[问答题]China is undergoing the speculative financial mania of the 1920s; the rural-to-urban migration of the 1930s; the emergence of the first-car, first-home, first-fashionable clothes, first-college education, first-family vacation, middle-class consumer of the 1950s; and even aspects of social upheaval similar to the 1960s.
32.[问答题]Management accounting provides managers within organizations with accounting information to make informed business decisions for more effective management.
33.[问答题] Las Vegas. Come with luggage, leave with baggage. (城市广告)
34.[问答题] 有着明星般光环的投资家(几乎所有人都这样认为)、慈善家、社会栋梁 伯纳德 ? 麦道夫竟然是一个骗子,这一消息震惊了全世界。这是不难理解的, 因为他那据称规模高达五百亿美元的庞氏诈骗案实在是令人感到匪夷所思。
35.[问答题] 会计师需要将独资企业的所有商业交易与其所有者的个人交易区分开。就法律而言,独资企业及其所有者被视为一个实体,但是从财会的角度而言,独资企业及其所有者被视为两个不同的实体。
36.[问答题] 这些现象都是正常的,符合规格要求,并不表明本产品有瑕疵。
37.[问答题] 1 亿多年前,中国东部发生了一场强烈的造山运动,火山喷发,山地隆起,华北大平原逐渐形成……北京城,就诞生在这片土地上……
38.[问答题] 王海峰同学在2011—2012 学年中受聘为2011 级7 班学生班主任,在任期间表现优秀,工作认真,班级建设效果显著,特发此证,以资鼓励。
39.[问答题] 北京励骏酒店拥有390 间客房、79 套豪华酒店式公寓以及126 套私人宅邸,可以使客人和住户欣赏到新老北京的不同风貌。
40.[问答题] 董事长先生,女士们,先生们:我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生盛情邀请我们参加如此欢快的圣诞晚会,祝各位圣诞快乐!
41.[问答题] 比率——这是一个足以令人感到毛骨悚然的字眼,会使我们回想起在高中数学课上遇到的那些让我们感到不知所措、万分沮丧的复杂问题。但是就投资而言,情况往往并非如此。事实上,正确地理解和应用某些比率有助于你成为一个更为睿智的投资者。
42.[问答题] 中国做父母的一般都有望子成龙或望女成凤之心。
43.[问答题] 本公司坚持“以质量、信誉、服务为您的企业添风采”的企业宗旨,为您的企业提供真诚的服务!
44.[问答题] 今日传媒(北京)有限责任公司成立于2007 年,隶属于北青集团,是北京青年报社全资子公司。
45.[问答题] 十年以前同学见面,大家说进步,学习进步;十年以后同学见面,大家说发财,恭喜发财。
46.[问答题] 市场营销战略是一种整合企业所有营销目标的战略。在理想的情况下,市场营销战略通过市场调研而形成,旨在运用理想的产品组合以实现利润潜力的最大化。
47.[问答题] 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们:大家晚上好!首先,请允许我代表北京市人民政府向前来参加2017北京国际旅游博览会的各位海内外来宾表示热烈的欢迎。
48.[问答题] 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮
49.[问答题] 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉
50.[问答题] 参与到《美国偶像体验》等新景点的活动之中,游人可以体验位居舞台中央、万众瞩目的感受。找一找做明星的感觉,或是与某位明星进行面对面的交流!你可以收集明星们的签名,在特殊活动或是卡通人物见面会上留下倩影。
51.[问答题] 管理会计为企业的管理者提供会计信息以便其做出正确的商业决策,进而更有效地管理企业。
52.[问答题] 北京的旅游节庆活动丰富多彩,比如国际旅游文化节、西瓜节、啤酒节、采摘节,以及近几年兴起的农业观光旅游、生态旅游和高科旅游等,使得旅游者感受到北京在新世纪所展现的勃勃生机。
53.[问答题] 评估管理绩效可能十分困难,因为管理工作的许多方面都是无形的。评估管理绩效的一项重要数据就是银行的净利息收益率(净息差)。查看过去几年的净息差有助于确定银行的发展趋势。较为理想的情况是,净息差处于平稳或上升的趋势。大多数银行的净息差是在2% 到5%之间。虽然这一数字看起来似乎很低,但千万不要为此所误导,因为与上一年相比0.01%的变化就意味着巨大的利润差别。
54.[问答题] 我会尽我的全力帮助你。
55.[问答题] 北京——东方文明的古都,荟萃了数量众多且具有极高审美价值和文化内涵的文物古迹。这里有世界最大的古代宫殿群故宫,世界八大奇观之一的万里长城,世界最大的祭天神坛天坛,世界最密集的皇家陵墓明十三陵等。长城、周口店猿人遗址、故宫、天坛和颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。天安门雄伟的城楼、华丽的皇家园林、庄严的坛庙、豪华的王府,到处闪耀着东方文明的光辉。
56.[问答题] Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc.; that therefore the production of the immediate material means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.
57.[问答题] 津巴布韦共和国驻华大使馆:北京长城投资有限公司董事长李新平及其他两位职员,接受贵国新特龙矿业私人有限公司的邀请,准备对贵国矿产投资事业进行商务考察。敬请贵国大使馆签证机关给予办理商务签证。附:签证人员名单:1. 李新平,护照编号:G035583882. 刘爱军,护照编号:G035587003. 王君兰,护照编号:G03559875
58.[问答题] This book is intended to show rather than tell what it is like to do business in China. There are no simple formulas or magic solutions. Only by showing the sometimes complex details of how certain deals came together or fell apart, how the people involved viewed and treated each other, how politics and prejudices tainted expectations and outcomes, will I be able to convey to you the nuances that have made China such a frustrating yet rewarding place for so many foreign businesses. Each chapter begins with a simple introduction of the characters and situation. Next, in an overview section, I put the characters and situation in their proper context. The story then unfolds as a straightforward narrative. At the end, in a section entitled “What This Means for You”, I explain how what happened in this chapter can affect how you do business in China. Finally, I summarize—pithily, I hope—many of my own observations in a take-off on Mao’s Little Red Book.
59.[问答题] To ensure a scientific development, Chinese museums not only need to improve their collections, exhibition areas and the layout of galleries, but also keep up with the international standard and pay close attention to the improvement of the visitor-oriented service as well as to the interaction between visitors and the exhibits. With China playing an ever important role in the world political and economic arenas, more and more overseas tourists come over to visit Chinese museums and inevitably play a critical part in evaluating Chinese museums and their effectiveness in promoting Chinese culture. Therefore it becomes more pressing and important that good translation of commentaries and the names of exhibits in Chinese museums is expected and required. At present, multilingual interpretation including English is normally adopted in the commentaries and displays of the Chinese museums. While the practice and research of museum-related text translation has long been carried out with more and more in-depth studies, the museum-related translation is poor in quality, full of mistakes including various spelling and grammatical errors for lack of well-qualified translators specializing in museum text translation as well as unified translation standard. Different from the traditional translation theories which mainly focus on the author of original texts and the translator, Reception Aesthetics lays emphasis on the reader, the reading process and acceptance of the text, stressing that the readers’ horizon of expectation plays an important role in the understanding of the text. Under the theoretical guidance of Reception Aesthetics, this thesis aims to explore the Chinese-English translation of museum-related texts from the perspectives of Indeterminacy and the Horizon of Expectation.
60.[问答题] Yet some important observers of business see things differently. Widely read gurus such as Stephen Covey and Tom Peters point to the practical utility of moral virtues such as compassion, responsibility, fairness, and honesty. They suggest that virtue is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success, and that moral standards are not merely commendable choices but necessary components of a thriving business career. This is a frequent theme in commencement addresses and other personal testimonials: Virtuous behavior advances a career in the long run by building trust and reputation, whereas ethical shortcomings eventually derail careers. The humorist Dorothy Parker captured this idea in one of her signature quips: “Time wounds all heels.”
61.[问答题] “He’s more likely to be the guy that owns 10 McDonald’s franchises, the doctor with a MRI clinic, the owner of a small ad agency or even a trash removal company.”But even with a million in the bank, these people aren’t all that rich. Russ Alan Prince, president of Prince & Associates, a private wealth research firm and author of The Middle Class Millionaire and The Sky’s the Limit, says that today, having a million dollars net worth doesn’t mean you are really wealthy. He categorizes the middle-class millionaire as those with $1 million to $10 million, the rich with $10 million to $30 million, and the super rich with more than $30 million.

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