张老师 发表于 2021-12-2 12:45:21


课程名称【编号】:跨文化交际【0859】                      A卷                                 
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分

Analyze the following cases,and then answer the given questions. (50%)
Case 1
Off to a Bad Start
David Hu had just started working for the foreign-owned company. He was sitting at his workstation but had not been given any assignment that he should be doing at this moment. He was relaxing and waiting and then thought he would take the opportunity to have a look around. He poked his head into several offices just to see what there was to be seen.
Suddenly Mr. Parker came up to him and angrily asked him what he was doing. David Hu was embarrassed. He laughed and quickly started to move back toward his workstation. This did not seem to satisfy Mr. Parker who started to talk rapidly and angrily. Hoping to calm him down, Mr. Hu smiled and apologized, trying to explain that he was trying to learn more about the department.
However, Mr. Parker got even angrier. Finally, another worker came by and calmed him down, but Mr. Parker left, still looked angry. Mr. Hu sighed; he knew he had made a bad start but still didn’t understand why.
Do you know why Mr. Hu had made a bad start?Case 2
Lee, an overseas student from China, once had a talk with his American classmate Tom.
Lee: It really puzzles me that you Americans thank people all day long. When the
Teacher answers your questions, when your mother buys you a book that you need, when a wife brings her husband a cup of coffee, after a salesgirl attends you, etc.
Tom: Well, when I finished my tour in China, I said “thank you” to the interpreter who accompanied me during the tour. The interpreter replied, “It’s my duty to do so.” I can’t help thinking that he means “I had no choice but to do it, because it is my duty. Otherwise, I would not have done so.”
l. What makes Lee puzzled and why?
2. Is the interpreter’s reply appropriate in the English context?II. Answer the following questions: (50%)
1. What are the Characteristics of communication?
How differently do Chinese people and English-speaking people make apologies?

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