homework 发表于 2021-12-4 10:55:00


课程名称【编号】:英美国家概况【0035】                      A卷
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分

一、 名词解释(每小题5分,总分40分,从下列名词解释中选作8题)
Explain the following terms in English.
1.Standard English
2.Three Majestic Circles
3.the House of Anjou
4.Westminster Abbey
5.British Parliament
The Acts of Supremacy
Fine Gael
8.The American Great Plains
9.The North American Free Trade
10.        CNN
The United States’ Bill of Rights
Princeton University
Write about 100 words in English on the following topics.
1. What is Seven years’ War and its influence?
2. Explain the rise and fall of the British Empire.
3. What is Thatcherism?
4. What is the “Constitution of the United States” and its characteristics?
5. What is the Treaty of Waitangi and its significance?
What is the role of the monarchy in the British political life?

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