西南大学22年9月0051 英语阅读一在线作业百分
0051 英语阅读一1.[单选题] We can discuss this problem<u> via </u>WeChat.
2.[单选题] I believe that this view is mistaken and that it leads to<u> a host of </u>entirelyunnecessary difficulties.
A.C.a little
B.a lot of
C.a group of
3.[单选题] Your kind words mean so much to me, and you have been<u> instrumental </u>in helping us complete the task.
4.[单选题] Citizenship is <u>automatic</u> for children born in this country.
5.[单选题] “Well, primarily, it has been the Department of Education and,<u> by extension</u>, ithas been the Government,” the mayor said.
A.by far
B.by chance
6.[单选题] I couldn’t <u>resist </u>one more teachable moment.
7.[单选题] How much do you get as monthly <u>allowance</u> from your parents? How do you spend it?
A.pocket money
8.[单选题] He could not hide his disappointment at his defeat, burying his face in a towel and sitting to his chair <u>dejectedly</u>.
9.[单选题] The fare in this hotel is almost as good as home cooking.
10.[单选题] When naturalization, the applicant should<u> renounce </u>their prior citizenship.
B.give up
11.[单选题] Are all the modern devices and digital conveniences we have<u> at our disposal </u>— from the weband social media to smartphones and tablets — making us more distracted and less able toconcentrate?
A.within easy reach of us
B.portable for us to use
C.at our disapproval
D.in our progress
12.[单选题] You won’t seem<u> approachable </u>if no one can see your face.
A.easy for nonspecialists to understand
C.friendly and easy to talk to
D.able to be reached with ease by a particular route
13.[单选题] Separate your spending into categories, such as books, laundry, entertainment, food and <u>beverage</u>s.
14.[单选题] You are fortunate to have parents that can take care of your biggest bills -- <u>tuition</u>, room andboard, transportation home.
D.fee for education
15.[单选题] “We are lonely but fearful of <u>intimacy</u>. Digital connections offer the illusion of companionshipwithout the demands of friendship. We expect more from technology and less from each other.”
16.[单选题] The scholars always try to <u>transform</u> feelings, ordinary ideas into principles.
17.[单选题] Thank my secretary for her serious works on arranging my working schedules <u> methodically</u> and business activities orderly.
18.[单选题] Your powers of<u> adaptability </u>will be put to the test, as other people seem to be completely fixed on their opinions.
19.[单选题] The nurse gives us a<u> cordial</u>, warm feeling.
20.[单选题] All theories <u>originate</u> from practice and in turn serve practice.
21.[单选题] When children learn a language, they learn the grammar as well as the words or vocabulary. No one teaches them; children just “pick them up”.
Before babies begin to produce words, they produce sounds. Some of these sounds will remain if they occur in the language being acquired, and others will disappear. This is called the “babbling(牙牙学语)stage”.
A child does not learn the language “all at once”. The child’s first utterances (言语)are one-word sentences. After a few months, the two-word stage arises. During this stage,the child puts two words together. These two-word sentences have definite patterns and express grammatical and meaningful relationships. Still later, in the telegraphic stage, the child will produce longer sentences. These longer sentences are mainly made up of content words. The child’s early grammar lacks many of the rules of the adult grammar, but eventually it will become mature.
All normal children everywhere learn language. This ability is not dependent on race(种族), social class, geography, or even intelligence. This ability is uniquely human.
are strictly grammatical
are more difficult than those produced in the telegraphic stage
are simpler than those produced in the “babbling stage”
are meaningful and have function
can understand people’s talk
begin to produce two-word sentences
can only produce sounds
learn to walk steadily
ways of teaching babies to talk
the importance of learning foreign languages
the difference between a child’s language and an adult’s
children’s learning of the mother language
study very hard and remember them
raise them from the ground
learn them without much effort
use hands to help carry them
?clever enough
physically normal
22.[单选题] Accidents are the major cause of death for all young people under 35. They are the fourth most frequent cause of death for all age groups in the US-fourth only to heart disease, cancer and stroke. Each year thousands of Americans lose their lives in accidents, and thousands are permanently crippled.
By far the most common types of home accidents are falls. Each year over ten thousand Americans meet death in this way, within the four walls of their home, or in yards around their house. Nine out of ten of the victims are 65. But people of all ages experience serious injuries as a result of home falls. It is impossible to guess how many injuries result from falls, but they must run into millions.
Falls can be a problem for all ages. In the process of growing up, children or teenagers often will fall. Fortunately their bodies are springy, so they may suffer only skinned knees, bumps (肿块) and bruises. But in an older person, the same fall may cause a broken arm, leg, and hip or other injury that requires hospitalization or medical care. As a person grows older, he may not fall any more often, but the results usually are more serious and may even be fatal.
Preschool children are often killed by falls from open windows and porches (走廊). Their normal curiosity and the urge to climb lead them to dangerous heights. Therefore, it is a parent"s duty to keep small children away from stairways, open windows and porch railing (栏杆, 扶手). Gates, bars, and other means of protection should be used whenever possible.
Adults fall because they don"t look where they are going. Running or taking two steps at a time invites falls. In trying to save an extra trip up the stairs by loading his anus with bundles or boxes that keep him form seeing where he is going, an adult may find it safer to make an extra trip.
?as a cause of death in America, accidents rank first
the head is injured more than any other part of the body
most people do not realize how serious falls can be
the risk of accidents increases with a person's age
old people dont look where they are going as a result of poor eyesight
old people fall more often than younger people
?bones become stiff and brittle with age
elderly people take unnecessary risks
heart disease is the greatest killer of Americans
seat belts save lives ???
?the death rate from work-related injuries is increasing
most accidents are avoidable
23.[单选题] Almost every family buys at least one copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe (订阅) to as many as two or three newspapers. But why do people read newspapers?
Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings — battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown (推翻) or killed — took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in far away countries on the same y they happen.
Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories and, of course, advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for the advertising space, but it is worth the money, for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also very important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.
Newspapers often have information on gardening, cooking and fashion as well as a small but very popular section on jokes and cartoons (漫画).
? sent by letter????
?sent by telegraph????????????
? passed from one person to another?? 天津大学答案
. sent by telephone?
E.take long to reach other countries
F.spread to other countries
G.travel fast
H.receive attention
not much??
of no value?
not helpful?
. read by many
read only by children??????
BG.uncommon in the world
BH.founded among a few families
BI.widespread in the world
BJ.not popular in U. S. A.
24.[单选题] The universities from which today’s universities are descendents were founded in the Middle Ages. They were established either by corporations of students wanting to learn, as in Italy, or by teachers wanting to teach, as in France. Corporations that had special legal or customary privileges for the purpose of carrying out the intentions of the incorporators were common in those days. The university corporations of the Middle Ages at the height of their power were not responsible to anybody, and could not be punished by any authorities. They claimed, and made good their claim, complete independence of all religious and nonreligious control. The American university was, however, at first a corporation formed by a religious group or by the state for the purposes of the group.
The American university in the seventeenth century was much closer to the American university today than to the university in the Middle Ages. The Puritan communities needed ministers and professional men and so they established universities to provide them. Later, religious groups built universities in order to extend their own influence. For example, the University of Chicago was founded by devout Baptists to combat the rising tide of Methodism in the Middle West and Shakers in the East. The president and the trustees of the University were required to have the proper religious relations in order to keep the University on the right path. Fortunately, the combination of John D, Rockefeller, William Rainey Harper, and the enlightened wing of the Baptist Church preserved the university from too narrow an interpretation of its purpose.
A.the Catholic Church
B.the government
C.students wanting to learn
D.groups of scholars
E.economic reasons
F.political reasons
G.academic purposes
H.religious purposes
I.providing ministers and professionals
J.training school teachers
BA.supplying professionals for corporations
BB.influencing the government
BC.they broadened the original goal of the university
BD.they were extremely faithful in their religious beliefs
BE.they were important founders of the university
BF.they stuck to the founding principles of the university
25.[单选题] Football is, I believe, the most popular game in England: one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting for one side or the other.
To a stranger one of the most surprising things about football in England is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams, he has pictures of them and knows the results of large number of matches. He will tell you who he expects will win such and such a match, and his opinion is usually as good as that of men three of four times his age.
Most schools in England take football seriously — much more seriously than nearly all European schools, where lessons are all that are important, and games are left for the children themselves. In England it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boy’s mind with facts in the classroom, education also means the training of character; and one of the best ways of training character is by means of games, especially team games, instead of working for himself alone. The school therefore plans games and matches for its pupils. Football is a good team game, it is good both for the body and the mind. That is why it is every school"s game in England.
A.win over
C.laugh at
E.training character by means of football game
F.filling a boy’s mind with stories
G.more than teaching of knowledge
H.the teaching of knowledge only
I.as important as football games
J.considered the most important
BA.what the children like best
BB.left for the children themselves
BC.the opinion
BD.the match
BE.the age
BF.the team
BH.boys and girls
BI.boys only
BJ.all people
26.[单选题] Laziness is a sin, everyone knows that. We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more complex reasons than simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems. They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of ridicule or for fear of having their idea stolen. These people who seem lazy may be paralyzed by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of fantasies, may prevent work; some people are so busy planning, sometimes planning great deals or fantastic achievements that they are unable to deal with whatever “lesser” work is on hand. Still other people are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are merely procrastinating — rescheduling their day.
Laziness can actually be helpful. Like procrastinators, some people may look lazy when they are really thinking, contemplating, researching. We should all remember that great scientific discoveries occurred by chance. Newton wasn’t working in the orchard when the apple hit him and he devised the theory of gravity. All of us would like to have someone “lazy” build the car or stove we buy, particularly if that “laziness” was caused by the worker’s taking time to check each step of his work and to do his job right. And sometimes, being “lazy” — that is, taking time off for a rest — is good for the overworked students or executive. Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who’s simply working himself overtime too many evenings at the clinic. So be careful when you’re tempted to call someone lazy. That person may be thinking, resting, or planning his or her next work.
laziness is a disease
?a good definition of laziness is emotional illness
?some people appear lazy because they are insecure
laziness is more beneficial than harmful
The word “laziness” is sometimes applied incorrectly.
Most assembly workers are lazy.
Most of the time laziness is a virtue.
Most insecure people are lazy.
?laziness is the sign of deep-seated emotional problems
?laziness is a moral sin
lazy people do more careful work
there?are advantages and disadvantages in being lazy
27.[单选题] In today’s age of fast travel, the world seems a smaller place — and to some people, a less exciting place. Fifty years ago only a few English people had holidays abroad. People who didn’t travel thought of other countries as very far away and different. For example, people thought the French all eat garlic, the Italians all eat spaghetti and the Americans all drink Coca Cola. These definite ideas of other nationalities are called stereotypes. But do we have the same stereotypes today? People travel more, we all watch the same TV programmes, and ideas travel quickly too. Nowadays everyone eats garlic and spaghetti and drinks Coca Cola. Everyone listens to the same music. wears the same fashions, buys the same cars. They just do it in a different language!
A.travel more
B.watch different TV programmes
C.travel more and watch the same TV programmes
D.watch the same TV programmes
E.smaller and more
F.bigger and less
G.smaller and less
H.bigger and more
I.have changed
J.are the same
BA.are different
BB.are almost the same
BC.A Big World
BD.A Small World
BE.An Exciting World
BF.An Interesting World
BG.near and the same
BH.near and different
BI.remote and very different
BJ.remote and the same
28.[单选题] Passage
Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity.
You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.
Since there is gravity, water runs down hill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down. Because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it whirls around.
Then, can we get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented. Then spaceship will go so fast that it can escape the earth’s gravity and carry you into space.
A.the force which attracts the earth towards the sun
B.the pull of everything
C.the force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earth
D.the force of attraction among objects
E.the earth’s gravity is greater than your weight
F.the earth has gravity
G.you are careless
H.the earth always turns round
I.fish can live in water
J.water always go downward
BA.we can go everywhere by ship
BB.water flows everywhere
BC.it can let you fly away from the earth
BD.it makes you jump only seven feet
BE.it can throw a ball into the air
BF.it can keep everything on earth
BG.the spaceship has a strong force
BH.the earth can"t pull the spaceship
BI.the spaceship can jump higher than other things
BJ.the spaceship goes very fast
29.[单选题] Passage
What is your favorite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you do, you must be optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colours preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite colour as we grow up ? we are born with our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
Colours so influence our moods — there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area — until it was reprinted green. The number of suicides attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.
Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active. It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are printed orange rather than black or grey.
A.More people happen to love brown because they saw something brown when they were born.
B.Colours have little influence on our moods.
C.People’s preference of one colour to another is acquired as they grow up.
D.People’s preference of one colour to another is instinct (本能).
E.red to grey
F.red to yellow
G.blue to yellow
H.blue to orange
I.its shape
J.its colour
BA.its structure
BB.its building materials
BC.in regard to other facts
BD.not considering other facts
BE.according to other facts
BF.besides other facts
BG.you don’t like to follow others
BH.you would be afraid of following others
BI.you would like to be a leader rather than a follower
BJ.you would be a member rather than a leader
30.[单选题] From time to time, we need an expert. In such situations, the Internet has been like a gift from the gods. In the old days, authorities were near at hand for expert advice: the village seamstress on how to make a buttonhole, the blacksmith on how to take care of a horse’s hooves, or the apothecary on what to do about warts. On the Internet, advice and answer sites are popping up all over the place, with self-proclaimed experts at the ready.
Exp.com claims to have “tens of thousands of experts who can help you,” while the more restrained Abuzz.com, owned by The New York Times, limits its pitch to “Ask Anything! Real People. Real Answers.” It’s said that expert sites or knowledge networks represent the latest stage in the Internet's evolution, a “democratization of expertise.” However, if your question is about something other than “Who invented the light bulb?”, the answers are likely to be a wild potpourri of personal opinions.
Top colleges and universities are rushing into online education, but the big news is the proliferation of a new breed of for-profit online institutions bringing Internet education to the masses.“The Internet will probably be the single most democratizing force in education,” says Columbia Business School Dean Meyer Feldberg, who envisions educational programs being routed through the net to hundreds of millions of people.
The largest online institution is the University of Phoenix, with some 6,000 students today and hopes of reaching 200,000 students in 10 years. The university offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in business management, technology, education, and nursing. The university notes that its degree programs cost far less and may take some students far less time to complete.
On the other hand, a Business Week survey of 247 companies found that only a handful would consider hiring applicants who earned their MBA degrees online. Whether that will change as for-profit online universities improve their offerings and graduates prove their worth-is anyone’s guess.
The rest of the world is moving into cyberspace more slowly than the United States, and, in the developing world, the Internet has hardly penetrated at all. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is determined to change this through the United Nations Information Technology Service, which will train large numbers of people to tap into the income enhancing power of the Internet. Annan is also proposing an Internet health network that will provide state-of-the-art medical knowledge to 10,000 clinics and hospitals in poor countries.
D.It is predictable in future development.
E.It cannot thrive without good management.
F.People believe that it is doomed from the start.
G.People have to wait and see.
H.very artistic
I.advanced and with modern technology
J.very creative
BA.skillful and attractive
BB.believes that most of the online experts are qualified
BC.trusts old days experts more than online ones
BD.trusts the intelligence of large amounts of experts online
BE.believes that online experts can answer people’s questions better
BJ.providing medical knowledge to poor hospitals
CA.improving UN staff’s computer skill
CB.promoting the use of the Internet over the world
CC.promoting the use of the Internet in the United States
31.[主观填空题] _____ I'm interested in taking your English class. But I wondered if I could<u> enroll </u>in your class now.
32.[主观填空题] ______ We developed trade with them for mutual<u> benefit</u>.
33.[主观填空题] ______ A <u>citizen </u>may also be subject to certain duties, such as a duty to follow the country’s law, to pay taxes, or to serve in the military.
34.[主观填空题] ______ You have to <u>demonstrate</u> that you are reliable.
35.[主观填空题] ______You told me that you’d had a <u>spouse</u>. But I never knew about your daughter.
36.[主观填空题] ______ Could you please <u>submit</u> this report to the chairman of the department.
37.[主观填空题] ______ Separate your spending into categories, such as books,<u> laundry</u>, entertainment, food and beverages
38.[主观填空题] ______Your knowledge and experience will<u> pay off </u>later on
39.[主观填空题] ______ States normally<u> grant </u>citizenship to people who have entered the country legally
40.[主观填空题] ______<u> In regard to </u>this change, I shall have more to say in the last chapter of this book.
41.[主观填空题] ______ Most people never meet their <u>soul mate </u>online.
42.[主观填空题] ________It happened<u> prior to </u>my arrival.
43.[主观填空题] ______ Would you fill in this<u> registration </u>form?
44.[主观填空题] ______ I tried to imagine the innumerable, individual lives that had been effected by 9/11, by the war in Iraq, by the<u> tsunami</u>.
45.[主观填空题] ______ You’d better <u>consult </u>the doctor for your headache.
46.[主观填空题] ______ I’m sure we can <u>figure out </u>how to handle cellphones and status updates
47.[主观填空题] ______ He's the most <u>eligible</u> actor for this hero in the movie.
48.[主观填空题] ______Laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct <u>calculation</u>.
49.[主观填空题] ______ The democratization of connections, <u>collisions</u> and therefore thinking is historically unprecedented.
50.[主观填空题] ______People in that country believed the <u>recession</u> would last a year or less.
51.[主观填空题] ______ We checked out town and headed to the airport to pick up the last<u> straggler</u>.
52.[主观填空题] ______ Your school has a strong <u>academic </u>atmosphere that I have long been longing for.
53.[问答题] How do you learn English with modern techology?
54.[问答题] What others have done to help you feel good when you feel sad?
55.[问答题] Which would you like to do, to get friends on line or in real life? And why?
56.[问答题] Do you have any money wisdom? What is it?
57.[问答题] What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?
58.[问答题] Every one may have a moment of love. Please tell us your story of the moment of love?
59.[问答题] Do you have a best friend? How did you get to know each other?
60.[问答题] These courses will open your eyes to how much money works in the real world and introduce you to practical skills you’ll use the rest of your life.
61.[问答题] I was sure that all my efforts to be a caring and loving person were for naught.
62.[问答题] On your first day of college, let me congratulate you on your well-earned freedom.
63.[问答题] Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law of a state that bestows on that person (called a citizen) the rights and the duties of citizenship.
64.[问答题] And we inhibit real human connection when we prioritize our phones over the people right infront of us.
65.[问答题] We began making friends at Facebook and trolling for potential websites like Match.com andeHarmony.
66.[问答题] He recently quit online dating.
67.[问答题] We grew up together in Maine (缅因州) and have said for years that we should have an annual event, yet it’s often postponed or canceled due to schedule conflicts.
68.[问答题] Standing in line at the bank, I was silently talking to myself.
69.[问答题] Though this reunion of friends has come to a close, we are already drawing up plans for the next one.
70.[问答题] The profound effect of that one simple, loving touch remains in my heart to this day.