离线作业答案 发表于 2022-12-13 10:50:38


课程名称【编号】:综合英语一 【0032】                     A卷
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分
I. Vocabulary, Structure and Grammar (15 points, 1.5 points each)
Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence and then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
1. It was in 1961 __________ John .F. Kennedy became president of the United States.
        A. when                                             B. and
        C. that                                       D. then
2. If either of you ________ a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work.
        A. takes                B. take
        C. would take                D. taking
3. The teacher recommends that every student ___________ the textbook.
        A. to buy                B. buy
        C. will buy                D. bought
4. Since the mountain is white, it ______ last night.
        A. must be snowed                B. must snow
        C. must have snowed                D. must have been snowed
5. I will give the book back to you as soon as I ________ copying it.
        A. am finishing                B. will finish
        C. do finish                D. finish
6. Her clear ________ of the plan made it easier for us to understand.
        A. work                                          B. term
        C. explanation                                    D. definition
7. We want a room with a good ________ of the river.
        A. view                                       B. scene
        C. sight                                       D. Scenery8. They rose one after __________ and walked out.
        A. the other                B. each other
        C. others                D. another
9. There have been quite a number of road _________ today because of yesterday’s snowstorm.
A. incidents        B. accidents
C. things        D. events
10. The boiling point of water _________ pressure.
        A. varies as                                    B. varies from
        C. varies with               D. varies inII. Error Identification (15 points, 1.5 points each)
        Directions: There are 10 incorrect sentences in this part. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts. These parts are labeled A, B, C, and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and write your choice on the Answer Sheet.
1. For conclusion, I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying here.
      A               B   C                  D
2. He found that proud and satisfaction came chiefly in the form of praise from co-workers.
               A          B                   C      D
3. British spelling differs slightly with American spelling.
   A            B   C    D
4. Some recent research suggest that we remember everything that happens to us.
                        A            B               C      D
5. Although we are concerned with the problem of energy sources, we must not fail
                  A                                    B
recognizing the need for environmental protection.
       C             D
6. The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises.
                A      B   C                  D
7. The purpose of the United Nations, broad speaking, is to maintain peace and security and to encourage
A                     B            C                            D
respect for human rights.
8. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow keep the mailman from his appointed rounds.
      A               B       C                      D 9. The three nations have been quarreling between themselves for many years.
                     A             B       C   D
10. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get with other people.
    A                  B               C          D
III. Cloze (15 points, 1.5 points each)
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should choose the one answer that fits best into the passage. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.A nobleman and a merchant    1    met in a tavern. For their lunch they both   2   soup. When it was brought, the nobleman took a   3, but the soup was   4   hot that he burned his mouth and tears came to his eyes. The merchant asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman was   5   to admit that he had burned his mouth and answered, “Sir, I once had a brother who   6   a great crime, for which he was   7. I was thinking of his death, which made me weep.” The merchant, believing this story, began to eat his soup. He too burned his mouth,   8   he had tears   9   his eyes. Noticing it, the nobleman asked the merchant, “Sir, why do you weep?” The merchant, who now saw that the nobleman had   10   him, answered, “My lord, I am weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother.”1. A. never        B. seldom        C. once        D. often
2. A. ordered        B. asked for        C. bought        D. ate
3. A. spoon        B. spoonful        C. plate        D. bowl
4. A. just        B. as        C. so        D. such
5. A. ashamed        B. shy        C. shameful        D. embarrassed
6. A. did        B. offended        C. attacked        D. committed
7. A. hang        B. hanged        C. hung        D. hanging
8. A. provided        B. in case        C. unless        D. so that
9. A. under        B. above        C. in        D. by
10. A. deceived        B. believed        C. received        D. pleasedIV. Reading Comprehension (20 points, 2 points each)
Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage 1
Why don’t birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now they’re beginning to fill in the blanks.
Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights.
A dove had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird’s cage was placed under an artificial star-filled sky. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of this flight.
But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they apparently find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it’s too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to find their way.1. The reason why birds don’t get lost on long flights ___________ .
        A. have been known to scientists for years       
B. have only recently been discovered
        C. are known by everyone       
D. will probably remain a mystery
2. During daylight hours, birds ___________.
        A. fly aimlessly                B. rely on landmarks
        C. use sun for guidance        D. are more likely to get lost
3. By “his outdoor cousins” the author means___________.
        A. other experimenters       
B. the other doves of the same brood
        C. doves under the natural sky       
D. other birds in general
4. The experiment with the dove indicated that__________ .
        A. birds have to be taught to navigate
        B. a bird that has been caged will not fly long distances
        C. some birds cannot fly at night
        D. some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at night
5. In total darkness, doves _________.
        A. use landmarks                  B. don't’ know which way to fly
        C. fly back home                  D. wait for the stars to appear
Passage 2
Advertising as we know it today did not begin in the United States until after the Civil War. Before that, advertising had consisted mainly of small paragraphs in which a man simply stated what he wanted to sell. Later, Benjamin Franklin became known as the “Father of Advertising”, partly because he used the modern copy-writing technique of emphasizing the rewards derived from using a product, rather than simply talking about the product itself.
The 19the century is also the period in which trademarks and slogans were born. Manufacturers often advertise a product by associating it with a symbol, often a person or an animal, known as a trademark; the trademark fro a product may only be used by that particular company. For instance, the trademark of the RCA Victor Company is a picture of an old record player with a dog listening to the record; it appears in most RCA ads and on most of their products.
Slogans and trademarks are still widely used in modern advertising, but generally the approach has become more scientific. With hundreds of products that are nearly identical, an advertiser must somehow make his product look different, even if it really isn’t. It has been said that the two most important words in advertising are “free” and “new”. Middle class Americans usually think that if a product is new, it is always better; and when people aren’t buying a product, calling it “new” often does wonders for its sales.6. Modern advertising began in the USA _______..
        A. in the 19th century       
        B. after the Civil War
        C. when trademarks and slogans were born
        D. when people wanted to make their product look different.
7. Benjamin Franklin was named the “Father of Advertising” partly because _____.
        A. he invented the trademark
        B. he advertised his products first
        C. he first used some important words like “free” and “new” in his advertisement
        D. he used modern copy-writing technique to stress the rewards derived from using a product
8. What statement is true about trademarks?
        A. Trademarks were first used in the Civil War.
        B. Trademarks are used as a symbol of a product in advertisement.
        C. Trademarks came into being along with the modern advertisement.
        D. Different companies can have the same trademark.
9. About advertising, middle class Americans usually think that _____.
        A. if a product is “new”, it’s always better
        B. if a product is advertised, it’s always better
        C. if a product looks different; it’s really different from other products
        D. if a product is advertised, it costs less
10. Which title do you think is better fro the passage?
        A. The Father of Advertising.
        B. Slogans and Trademarks in Advisement.
        C. The Development of Advertising in the USA.
        D. The Difference of the Old and Modern Advertisement.
V. Translation (15 points, 3 points each)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. And write the translated sentences on the Answer Sheet.1. 他告诉我的情况与你从玛丽那儿听到的情况差不多。
4. 当你想忘掉什么不愉快的事情时,听听音乐会使你更容易做到这一点。
VI. Writing (20 points)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words, based on the following topic. Please write it on the Answer Sheet.My View on A True Friend附件是答案,转载注明 无忧答案网
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