欧阳老师 发表于 2023-6-2 09:07:15


课程名称【编号】:英语写作【0846】                         A卷
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分

I. Write a topic sentence on the Answer Sheet for the following group of sentences. (10 points)
Group 1
Topic sentence: ___________________________________________________________________.
The main advantage involves what’s loosely referred to as executive function.
This describes skills that allow you to control, direct and manage your attention, as well as your ability to plan.
It also helps you ignore irrelevant information and focus on what’s important.
In addition to executive function, bilingual individuals and children show advantages in metalinguistic awareness.
This is the ability to think about language as abstract units and associations. Group 2
Over the years, there have been two different iterations or designs of the football World Cup trophy.
The Jules Rimet Trophy was the first iteration. It was used from 1930 to 1970.
The one used today is the new version called the FIFA World Cup trophy.
Topic sentence: ___________________________________________________________________.
The FIFA World Cup trophy is 36.5 cm tall and is made of 6.175 kg of 18 karats (75%) gold.
It has a circular base, 13 cm in diameter, made of two layers of malachite.
The design sees arching lines from the base spiral up and forms the base for a golden replica of the world. The trophy is hollow from the inside.
The trophy has the words FIFA World Cup engraved on its base. II. Read the following paragraphs to identify the sentence which is not related to its topic. Write the number of the unrelated sentences on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)Paragraph 1
China’s University Students Dance Like Nobody’s Watching
One Wednesday night in late 2022, Qiao Feifei, a sophomore majoring in Chinese international education at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), dashed out of the cafeteria and headed for the small square in front of the auditorium. His plan was to snag a spot in the first row of the square dance. (1) Square dancing, typically associated with older Chinese women, was just one of the ways students tried to kill time and have fun during extended campus lockdowns due to the pandemic. (2) Other attempts, such as “crocodile crawling” in groups or making paper dogs and walking them on campuses, also went viral and created a sense of connection in a period of isolation. (3) BFSU’s square dancing started with Qingqing in 2012, when she was looking to relax after a day of manual labor. (4) After talking with two cafeteria workers, they started dancing together in the open space in front of the auditorium. (5) Many aunties liked to wear a black suede dress and used a portable microphone and loudspeaker to call out the beat. Paragraph 2
The Creative World of Tasha Tudor
My first encounter with Tasha Tudor’s garden, or, more accurately, her love of gardens, was through her children’s book illustrations. (1) I cannot share these images here because of copyright protections, but you can certainly see them online or at a local library. (2) I never cared much for the stories, but, even as a child, I would examine any gardens depicted intently. I think too, because her Vermont growing zone was similar to my own in Canada, I loved seeing familiar flowering plants like my mother’s peonies growing in such abundance. (3) In the early 1990s, several books were published featured the gardens, life, and handwork of Tasha Tudor and they were a huge source of inspiration for me. (4) For two of the books, the combination of Tasha’s lifestyle, Richard Brown‘s gorgeous photography, and the writing of Tovah Martin, (who is still a favorite garden writer and houseplant fanatic), was perfection. (5) If you are a lifelong gardener and/or maker of creative things, there is much to devour in those pages.III. Put the following group of sentences into correct order. Write the number of the reordered sentences on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)
(1) Much of these profits were made from drugs for heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression.
(2) While pharmaceutical companies do a lot of good for the world, many of their choice are influenced by profits over people.
(3) These are the kind of problems that are life-long problems, which means life-long medication and life-long profits.
(4) For example, in 2012, pharmaceutical companies made 83.9 billion dollars in profit.
(5) They suck money from patients, aged pensioners and families.IV. Composition writing (70 points)Instructions: Write a composition of about 200 words to discuss the latest changes in celebrating the Chinese New Year in China, using specific examples to clarify your ideas.
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