homework 发表于 2023-6-2 09:18:05


课程名称【编号】:跨文化交际【0859】                      A卷
考试类别:大作业                                    满分:100分

Analyze the following cases, and then answer the given questions. (50%)
Case 1
Some years ago, several international businessmen were on a conference cruise when the ship began to sink. “Go to tell those fellows to put on life jackets and jump overboard,” the captain directed his first mate.
A few minutes later the first mate returned. “Those guys won’t jump,” he reported.
“Take over,” the captain ordered, “And I’ll see what I can do.”
Returning moments later, he announced, “They’re gone.”
“How’d you do it?” asked the first mate.
“It old different things to different people. I told the Englishman it was the sporting thing to do, and he jumped. It old the Frenchman it was ____________; I told the German that it was a command ; I told the Italian that it was ____________; I told the Russian that it was ____________; so they jumped overboard.”
“And how did you get the American to jump?”
“No problem,” said the captain. “I told him he was ____________!”
1. Can you decide to whom each of the following words was actually used by the captain?
A) revolutionary                 B) forbidden                C) chic                D) insured
2. If there had been a Chinese businessman onboard, what should the captain say in order to make him jump overboard?
3.What do you think of the story?Does it tell you something that is true of people of those different nations?Case 2
Example A
In 1959, Khrushchov, leader of the former Soviet Union, visited the US. While boarding his plane to leave for the Soviet Union, he used the clasped-hands-over-the-head gesture.The next day, this picture was printed on the front page of US newspapers, which shocked the whole country, and American people became indignant.
Example B
Nixon, the former US President, paid a visit to Brazil. While he was disembarking the plane, he made a gesture of “OK,” which angered and insulted the Brazilians. Nixon finally had to apologize to the Brazilians.
Questions: How do you understand the two examples?II. Answer the following questions: (50%)
1. Why did IC first start in the US?
Have you ever tasted any western food? If yes, what are they?
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