答案请在附件处下载,辅导请联系客服QQ 761296021,奥鹏无忧网: www.ap5u.com 主要提供奥鹏作业答案,奥鹏在线作业答案,奥鹏离线作业答案以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区,更好的为大家服务。一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.We are now looking at the __ of the Scandinavian market.
A. latent
B. underlying
C. potentially
D. potential
2.We have accepted your ( ) .
A. request
B. answer
C. question
D. firm offer
3.The school has ______playing fields.
A. extended
B. extendable
C. extentional
D. extensive
4.We should be glad if you would consider our application to ______your agency for the sale of your shoes.
A. as
B. act as
C. act like
D. be
5.You will have to pay $ 30.00 per __ for the premium.
A. annum
B. annual
C. year
D. years
6.The words telegram and telegraph are usually associated with __ communication.
A. inter
B. internally
C. inner
D. internal
7.This new product is __ priced.
A. measurable
B. moderately
C. temperate
D. moderate
8.You can count on me to give you any assitance you require in your __.
A. time of office
B. term of office
C. term of business
D. term
9.The message becomes confused and will cost more money __.
A. in the long run
B. in long run
C. at the long run
D. at long run
10.If you insist __your original offer,we can hardly come to terms.
A. to
B. in
C. on
D. for
11.Price is __ between $5 and $8.
A. hovering
B. lingering
C. wandering
D. roving
12.We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude ______mutually beneficial relations between us.
A. for
B. to
C. on
D. in
13.A timely delivery means ( ) to us.
A. a little
B. more
C. most
D. a lot
14.Underwriter will pay compensation in the case of a __.
A. demand
B. request
C. require
D. claim
15.We have to __ the meeting.
A. delay
B. postpone
C. defer
D. wait
16.It would be useful for us to __.
A. keep relation
B. possess in contact
C. keep in contact
D. keep in contract
17.Articles, pronouns and preposition can be __.
A. leave off
B. leave out
C. spare
D. leave in
18.The operation of the storage, processing and assembling of the bonded goods and consignment sales should be approved by and registered _______the Customs.
A. For
B. by
C. from
D. With
19.Can our( ) of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?
A. order
B. request
C. ask
D. need
20.The topic he has chosen to speak on is changing technology in the next __.
A. decade
B. ten years
C. decades
D. ten-year
21.The exporters have the right to () the export goods before delivery to the shipping line.
A. inspect
B. look
C. watch
D. see
22.We are pleased to _____ you that 6000 dozen of shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have gone off on S.S. "Dongfeng"
A. ask
B. inform
C. speak
D. talk
23.The customs may "withhold" the goods connected with the smuggling cases. The word "withhold" has the similar meaning of the following words except_____ .
A. keep back
B. detain
C. refuse to give
D. refund
24.It makes no ( ) to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.
A. difference
B. profit
C. good
D. help
25.I am afraid we must __payment by L/C.
A. insist to
B. insist on
C. insist
D. insist for
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奥鹏无忧网: www.ap5u.com 主要提供奥鹏作业答案,奥鹏在线作业答案,奥鹏离线作业答案以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区,更好的为大家服务。
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