奥鹏作业答案 发表于 2016-5-23 17:33:40


1. I can’t join you in the party tonight, because I ______ the content of some reports
with my boss.
A. have discussed
B. will be discussing
C. will discuss
D. will have discussed
2. I ________ out very much today.
A. feel like to walk
B. like walking
C. like to walk
D. feel like walking
3. You can get always better results if you prepare your job _________.
A. with advance
B. in advance
C. advanced
D. for advanc
4. These bugs have been thoroughly ________.
A. wiped out
B. wiped
C. wiped off
D. wiped away
5. Can I have any ways to fit this part _____ the machine
A. with
B. into
C. for
D. by
6. Yesterday _______ 8-year-old boy fell into the river. ______ boy was saved by a po
A. an; The
B. a; The
C. a; An
D. an; A
7. We don’t have ______ today.
A. many homeworks
B. much homeworks
C. many homework
D. much homework
8. This silk dress _______ so smooth. It’s made in China.
A. smells
B. sounds
C. tastes
D. feels
9. They didn’t get on well and she often made him ______.
A. angry
B. to be angry
C. angrily
D. be angry
10. My trousers are too small for him; he has to put on his ______.
A. own ones
B. own
C. own one
D. ones
11. ______ is known to us is that Spaceship has launched for the first spacewalk succ
A. That
B. It
C. As
D. What
12. _____ Lily ______ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.
A. Not only…but also
B. Neither…nor
C. Both…and
D. Either…or
13. Turn ______ the TV, the match has begun.
A. down
B. on
C. off
D. up
14. Thirty dollars _____ too expensive.
A. are
B. is
C. were
D. be
15. I’ve caught a cold. Please bring me some _________ for the headache.
A. food
B. clothes
C. medicine
D. books
二 阅读理解题
For some employers, the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important
because it means that they can put money and effort into their staff ( ) training
and make them loyal to the company. What they do is to select young people who
have potential ( ) and who can be trained. They then give the young people the
kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company. In other
words, they adjust their training to their particular needs.
One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable
training from the company. “This means that I will be a loyal employee,” she says,
And it also means that the company will want to keep me. I am an important
investment for them. So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the
employer and the employee.”
Recently, however, attitudes towards lifelong employment are beginning to change.
Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not
always in their best interest and the changing firms can have career advantages.
1. The passage is mainly about ____________.
A. lifelong training of employees
B. policies of lifelong employment
C. attitudes towards lifelong employment
D. employers’ interest in lifelong employment
2. The purpose of lifelong employment is to ___________.
A. adjust the needs of the company to its employees
B. make employees loyal to their company
C. select the best skilled young employees
D. keep the skilled staff satisfied
3. By training its employees, a company can make them ___________.
A. do their work more easily
B. more interested in their work
C. willing to invest money into the company
D. possess the necessary qualities for the job
4. Talking about the training she has received, a recently employed graduate has the
view that________.
A. it is valuable to the employer and the employee
B. it is helpful for attracting young employees
C. it is both useful and interesting
D. it is still well-received by all the staff members today
5. Attitudes towards lifelong employment are changing because___________.
A. job changes have career advantages
B. it’s boring to work in only one company
C. only the employer benefits from such employment
D. stable employment seldom offers better opportunities
It’s 8:30, time for John to start work. So he turns on his radio. Then he eats
breakfast. As he eats, he reads his e-mail and reviews his to-do list. Then he sits on
the sofa and thinks about an article he needs to write… Wait a minute! Radio?
Breakfast? Sofa? What kind of workplace is this? Well, actually it is John’s house,
and he is a telecommuter--- he works at home, communicating with the workplace
through the Internet.
Like John, millions of people --- and their employers--- are finding that
telecommuting is a great way to work. Telecommuters can follow their own
schedules. They work in the comfort of their homes, where they can also look after
young children or elderly parents. They save time and money by not traveling to
work. Their employers save, too, because they need less office space and furniture.
Studies show that telecommuters change jobs less often. This saves employers even more money. Telecommuting helps society, too, by reducing pollution and
traffic problems.
Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work, computer
programming and accounting ( ). If a job involves working with information, a
telecommuter can probably do it.
1. From the passage we know that John does his job ______.
A. by telephone
B. in his office
C. away from home
D. through the Internet
2. Which of the following is mentioned as one of the advantages of telecommuting?
A. One can get along well with co-workers
B. One can work on one’s own schedule
C. One can work for several employers
D. One can enjoy a lot of traveling
3. The passage tells us that telecommuters change jobs less often and so ______.
A. they can get more work experience
B. they will have a longer paid holiday
C. their employers can save more money
D. their employers will give them a higher pay
4. The phrase “suited to” (Para. 3) means _______.
A. acceptable for
B. difficult for
C. fit for
D. bad fo
5. The passage is mainly about __________.
A. a new way to work
B. Johns’ working day
C. various workplace
D. the Internet
Whenever traveling on Shanghai Airlines (SAL) flights with paid tickets, you will
earn air miles according to the class shown on your tickets. When you have
accumulated enough air miles, you can apply for a premium ( ) ticket or other
premium items.
Passengers (12 years old and over) are eligible ( ) to join SAL FFP (Frequent
Flying Passenger) Club unless it is banned ( ) by the law of the country where
they live.
Please fill out the application form on the back and mail it to the Customer Service
Center of SAL. SAL Customer Service Center will mail the membership card and
manual to you within 30 working days after receiving your Application Form.
Please show your membership card when you check in at an airport.
Please retain a photocopy of the ticket, the original boarding pass as well as a
photocopy of your receipts after traveling or making purchases as SAL partner
business until you confirm the record has been changed to your account.
If you flew SAL 3 months before your registration of SAL FFP Club, please mail to
SAL Customer Service Center a copy of your ticket and the original boarding pass
with your card number on it for recording air miles.
The Application Form can be used by one person only, and copies are void ( ).
For more information, please refer to the SAL FFP Program buide.
1. Who can apply for a premium ticket from SAL according to the passage?
A. A passenger who has traveled several times by plane.
B. A passenger who wants to travel on any airlines flights.
C. A passenger who has traveled on Shanghai Airlines flights.
D. A passenger who has accumulated enough air miles on SAL flights.
2. What’s the legal age to join SAL FFP Club according to the passage?
A. 11 and under.
B. 12 and under.
C. 12 and over.
D. 18 and over.
3. Whom should the application form be sent to if you want to apply for SAL FFP Mem
A. SAL FFP Club.
B. The SAL ticket office.
C. The SAL headquarters.
D. SAL Customer Service Center.
4. When they check in at an airport, Club members should show _______.
B. their membership card
C. a photocopy of the ticket
D. an application form
5. What does SAL stand for in this passage?
A. Shanghai Airport
B. Shanghai Airlines
C. Shenghen Airport
D. South Airlines
三 翻译题
1. If I were a boy again, I would teach myself a habit of attention; I would let nothing co
me between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater neve
r tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our l
ife, if we begin early enough.
四 写作题
1.你市将承办省运会,为此,主办方决定招聘一批志愿者为省运会服务。假如你决定参加志愿者应聘,请用“An Application Letter”英语写一篇应聘短文,内容如下:
**** Hidden Message *****

黄老师 发表于 2016-5-27 12:15:06


tq8206 发表于 2016-5-25 21:44:20


黄老师 发表于 2016-5-27 18:08:21

七小七 发表于 2016-5-27 17:58

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游子 发表于 2016-5-25 21:51:21


sandy 发表于 2016-5-26 08:56:27

需要答案 谢谢哦

离线作业答案 发表于 2016-5-26 11:58:06


hu110 发表于 2016-5-26 16:59:16


715055219 发表于 2016-5-26 21:08:04


西南大学机考啊 发表于 2016-5-27 10:36:21


七小七 发表于 2016-5-27 17:58:38


yoyo1 发表于 2016-5-27 19:44:08


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chensenlin 发表于 2016-5-27 20:52:31


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